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New Politics, Vol. VII, No. 4 (New Series), Winter 2000, Whole No. 28


The Presidential Primaries, Marvin Mandell

Mumia Time or Sweeney Time, Dave Roediger

Discussion: Kosovo/a, Self-determination and Interventionism

Following the Kosovo/a exchange in the last issue of New Politics, we received an article from Manuela Dobos. Steve Shalom and Joanne Landy then submitted short pieces continuing the previous discussion (neither having seen the other's contribution). We present here the comments by Dobos, Shalom and Landy.

Jewish Fundamentalism and Israeli Apartheid, David Finkel

East Timor and the United States: an Interview with Allan Nairn

An Exchange: Socialism and the Market

Symposium: Organized Labor from Gompers to Sweeney

In the introductory remarks to his comprehensive study of the bureaucratization of the mainstream of organized labor, Taking Care of Business, Paul Buhle writes: "This book is about history, but inevitably it poses a contemporary question: which way will organized labor go now in the era of the global economy, with its back evidently against the wall? Will it return to the familiar pattern of business unionism, adjusted in small ways? Or will it move toward a new social unionism, joined to other sectors of society, the dispossessed and those eager to see life change?"

How Paul Buhle answers these questions, what he finds instructive in the lessons of history for building a dynamic trade union movement, is the subject for the symposium below.

The "Chinese Question" and American Labor Historians, Stanford M. Lyman

Chinese Immigrant Workers and the Contemporary Labor Movement, Herbert Hill

Revising the History of Cold War Liberals, Julius Jacobson

Book Reviews

Film Review: Coming Clean: Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut," Kurt Jacobsen

Tribute to Louis Rigaudias 1911-1999, Horst Brand

Index of Volume VII

New Politics welcomes comments from readers on any topic discussed in our pages. Comments may be sent to newpoliticsjournal@gmail.com.

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