BETTY REID MANDELL, a welfare rights activist since the 1960s, co-edits Survival News, written by and about poor people. She is a member of the New Politics editorial board.
SELLING UNCLE SAM is the title of a book on how to do just that, for entrepreneurs eager to make some money off of Uncle Sam.1 Sitting close to it on the library shelf is a book sponsored by the World Bank and the Fleming Bank, advising corporations worldwide on how to make money by privatizing their government's various ventures.2 Both the World Bank and the Fleming Bank fund privatization ventures throughout the world. In their analysis of what has already been accomplished through privatization, they like most of what they see.
For the
past two decades, businesses have been eager to take over every government function
that shows promise of making a profit. They are even taking over and selling the water
that people drink. As a child, I would not have thought in my wildest imagination that the
pure water that I drank from a stream in the Rockies or from the well at my home would
one day be bottled and sold at an exorbitant price as "designer water." Nor could I have
dreamed that corporations would one day own water and sell it. "Water is the last
infrastructure frontier for private investors," says Johan Bastin of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development.3 If corporations
thought they could make a profit off of bottling and selling the air that we breathe, they
would probably do it.
Corporations are increasingly taking over basic services such as hospitals,
crime prevention, and sanitation. Libraries are starting to be privatized, while more city
parks are operated by private services. Businesses are even making a profit from selling
skin, bones and organs. Those selling skin for cosmetic purposes have monopolized the
supply, so severe burn patients are often unable to obtain help, while some of this skin
has even been found to be diseased.4
Over the
same period, both neo-liberals and neo-conservatives have been trashing government
while exalting the beauty of the free market, touting it as more efficient, productive, higher
quality and cost effective than government because it is competitive. In contrast,
government is described as monopolistic, bureaucratic, inefficient, and staffed with
overpaid featherbedding functionaries. The solution, they say, is to farm government
services out to private businesses.
"Privatization" implies an adversarial relationship between government and
business. A more commonly used term now is "public-private partnerships," which posits
government and business as cooperative partners focusing on efficient management
techniques. Stephen Linder suggests that the Labor government in Britain preferred to
use the term "partnership" in order to distance themselves from the worst excesses of
privatization under the Thatcher government.5
The Blair
government refers to the partnership idea as central to what they call the "New Public
Management." The rationale of partnerships is that the joint-venture between government
and business will stabilize volatile markets and mitigate competitive pressures. The "Third
Way" of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton aimed to bring the discipline of the market to the
government. These partnerships presumably would make better, more competitive,
managers out of stodgy public bureaucrats by bringing the expertise of business
managers to government functions. The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships
in the United States and the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships both have
official government sanction. Linder describes their functioning as "networks of prospects
awaiting partners, databases of experienced exemplars, corporate underwriters, fee-for-
service consultation, a speakers bureau, workshops, conventions, and of course,
membership fees."6
PRIVATIZATION CAN TAKE VARIOUS FORMS. One is to sell government industry and services outright to private corporations, with very little government regulation. Under Margaret Thatcher, the British government engaged in large-scale privatization of government industries and services, selling British Telecom, British Gas, Britain's railways, and the power and water industries to private corporations.
Zealand followed soon after, first corporatizing state enterprises by forcing them to
operate according to commercial principles, then selling them to private corporations.
Chile was
one of the first developing countries to privatize, following the overthrow of Salvador
Allende. The World Bank is fulsome in its praise of Chile's "innovative" privatization of
pension funds:
This move created a sizable and stable base of institutional investors for Chile's equity market, allowing a number of large privatizations to be absorbed domestically. Pension funds acquired some 23 percent of the shares in divested state enterprises. Chile's move toward private management of pensions has been emulated by other Latin American countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, and Peru.7
The World
Bank doesn't mention that since privatizing its pension funds, administrative costs in
Chile ran to over 15 percent of the funds, as compared to 0.8 percent for administrative
costs of Social Security in the United States.8
Fifteen percent would be over 1500 percent increase over less than 1 percent. With
banks currently paying about 4 percent interest on safe CDs, the 15 percent
administrative costs would be impossible to overcome. Privatizing Social Security would
be an enormous windfall for stockbrokers and a disaster for nearly everyone else.
Mexico has
become the proving ground of neo-liberal economic reforms "as the International
Monetary Fund and World Bank used the leverage of foreign debt to require massive
changes in economic priorities designed to encourage foreign investment."9 State industries put up for sale included airlines,
ports, railroads, banks, the phone system, and sections of other industries.
approach to privatization after the demise of the USSR looked like an egalitarian plan at
first, but eventually turned into a corrupt looting of the economy. Paul Klebnikov, who has
studied Russia extensively, described the process as follows:
The initial plan was to give every citizen an equal piece of state assets through vouchers on the grounds that "the vast majority of industrial assets in Russia were state- owned and hence every citizen had an equal piece of those assets."10 However, reformers in the Yeltsin government made the mistake of putting too much of Russia's state-owned industrial and natural resource wealth onto the market at once. They decided to sell it quickly in order to "break the back" of the power of the "red directors" who controlled the state-owned enterprises. While some of those old industrial managers were incompetent, others were not.
Selling so much wealth all at once was a fundamental mistake "that could be predicted by anyone with even a minimal understanding of how a market works. If you throw a huge quantity of products onto the market at once, your price is going to be very low because there's not that much demand for it at that point."11 Consequently, the value of the vouchers was low, equivalent to about $7 in U.S. money -- enough to buy two bottles of cheap vodka. The value of the enterprises shrank to "almost meaningless amounts." The insiders and financial operators then bought up the vouchers at a fraction of their market value. Most of them ended up in the hands of the directors themselves, the very thing that Yeltsin's reformers were trying to avoid. About a third of Russia's industrial and natural resource wealth was privatized through vouchers.
The next phase of privatization was a
much more cynical type of privatization than the voucher auctions. It didn't even pretend to have a noble concept underlying it. Anatoly Chubais, who by 1995 was the privatization czar effectively running the Russian economy under Boris Yeltsin, decided to take the top 12 export-oriented companies in Russia -- mostly oil and gas producers and metal exporters -- and privatize the controlling stakes.12
gathered together six to eight top Russian financiers, "the crony capitalists" who later
would be called the "oligarchs." They agreed among themselves who would bid for which
company and at what price. No foreigners were allowed to bid, and the oligarchs paid
prices "from 10 to 30 times less than the price at which these companies were selling on
the market in the mid-1990s."13
Some of
the theft in Russia was carried out by "simple-minded crooks." Some involved
complicated illegal financial dealings. One of the oligarchs, Boris Berezovsky, called the
first stage of privatization the "privatization of profits" of an enterprise. He got control of
Aeroflot, the former Soviet airline, and other companies and had the managers sign
various corrupt deals that resulted in most of the cash revenues being drained into his
own pocket and the pockets of the managers. As a result, the company went bankrupt
and Berezovsky ended up wealthy. He is now wanted on fraud and embezzlement
charges, and a number of his top managers are awaiting trial.
Russian economy suffered its worst decline since the Nazi invasion of 1941, a 42 percent
decline in GDP. In August 1998, the ruble collapsed and the government defaulted on its
debts. The population was impoverished. Mortality rates skyrocketed. "Essentially the
government had declared bankruptcy. This disaster was partly the result of all of these
misguided privatization policies."14 This
disaster was partly the result of misguided advice from the American government, from
Harvard University's Jeffrey Sachs, and from the IMF, who told Yeltsin, "You've got to do
shock therapy. You've got to do it quickly; you've got to do it radically."15 Unfortunately, the Russians slavishly followed their advice.
There was
a groundswell of outrage in the Russian population, and President Putin let the oligarchs
know that they would have to change their ways. Putin said he wouldn't look into the
criminal way in which the oligarchs acquired the companies, but from now on the
oligarchs would have to pay taxes and reinvest their profits into the Russian economy.
Most of the financiers agreed. The few who did not went abroad to live. To date, not a
single major Russian industrialist or financier has been put on trial for any significant
misdeed or criminal act.
THE RUSSIAN STATE sold large industries and natural wealth to private individuals. In the United States, however, the public sector has always been limited in scope. Here the government has been contracting out government services to private entities for a long time. Privatization in this country generally refers to expanding this practice, especially on the state and local levels. Contracting out complex services requires a long-term contract, with mutually enforceable terms clearly specified.
When an
organization decides to buy rather than to make a product, it can buy from either a spot
market or a contract market. Spot markets are usually used to acquire products that the
company doesn't make itself. They are sufficiently standardized for commercial
companies to routinely maintain inventories, such as office supplies or automobiles. Spot
markets can also include services that companies could do for themselves but prefer not
to, such as preparing a payroll or maintaining a subscription list.
form of privatizing involves government giving individuals coupons to pay for goods or
services. The government pays for the scrip, but private businesses get the money.
Examples include vouchers given to parents which can be paid to private schools; food
stamps used to buy groceries; and housing vouchers or certificates that individuals can
use to rent an apartment (subsidized housing).
government can be privatized simply by withdrawing government funds from a service, as
has been done with welfare, Medicare and Medicaid, the National Endowment for the
Arts, and National Public Radio. When government funds are withdrawn, people are
forced to pay for goods and services from private sources, or rely on private charity. This
form of privatization is closely related to the conservative push for voluntarism and
charitable choice.
AS CAPITAL SEARCHES for investment opportunities, privatization has become globalized, and no country is exempt. Some of the rules of the process are imposed by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), as negotiated by the World Trade Organization (WTO). GATS requires various service sectors to open up their services to the competitive market. Ruth Rikowsi warns that many, if not all, public services, "including libraries, will fall under the GATS in due course. This is because the GATS agreement commits WTO members to progressive liberalization."16 The WTO compact that affects information provision is called the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement. Information that has up to now been considered public domain could be privatized and sold. Rikowsi says that private corporations are already making inroads in providing library services in Britain and there are signs that library services will become increasingly commodified. Examples are the sale of products in libraries, and beginning efforts to charge for transactions on the Internet. Professional standards of various professions, including librarians, may be eroded because of the global standardization that the WTO requires.
For the
past twenty years, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have effectively
taken control of the economies of scores of nations in the Global South which are heavily
in debt. The Bank and the IMF have been requiring these countries to accept "structural
readjustment," which includes opening markets to foreign firms and privatizing state
enterprises, including utilities.
There is a
much stronger tradition of state ownership and management in Europe than in the U.S.
There was not much privatization there during the 1980s except in France, where a right
of center government privatized 14 large industrial, banking and financial trusts between
November 1986 and January 1988.17 During
the 1990s, there was much more privatization activity in Europe.
Privatization was driven partly by ideology. The Socialist government in
France put a halt to privatization in 1988, but the right of center government which was
re-elected in 1993 expanded it, slating 21 enterprises for privatization. The election of a
Socialist government in 1997 only slowed the pace.
Italy began
a privatization program in 1993 despite political opposition. By 1996 some 300 state
companies had been involved in corporatization and share sales. However, continuing
opposition and frequent changes of government slowed the privatization program.
In 1985,
West Germany outlined a privatization program affecting 13 firms, but they were met with
protests from the trade unions and the government reduced the number of firms to five.
After the absorption of the former Communist East German, the Federal government sold
nine former West German enterprises entirely and three partially, "thereby almost ending
the Federal government's shareholdings in the industrial sector."18 However, the regional governments continue to have major
shareholdings in public services.
developed one of the largest welfare states in Europe after 1945, but had few state
owned industries, relying on large taxes on the private sector to fund welfare provisions.
However, in the 1970s the state rescued a number of failing companies and by the mid-
1980s the state sector was fairly large. However, the defeat of the Social Democrats in
1991 led to a major change in policy. A privatization commission recommended a plan to
sell 34 state firms. Between 1991 and 1994 the government sold shares in 20 companies,
but the reelection of a Socialist government led to reassessing the program and many
planned sales were shelved.
IN THE IMMEDIATE POST-WAR PERIOD, the European Union was neutral on the ownership of industry, accepting the mix of state and private sector industry across Europe. Then most European countries believed that state monopolies were necessary in the public utility sectors to ensure universal service and network economies. Yet the Treaty of Rome, which governs the European Union, emphasized the importance of free trade. Competitive markets are now favored, but "EU policy intervenes only when government policies are seen to be in conflict with free and fair trade within the EU."19
The Single
European Act of 1986 aimed to remove the remaining non-tariff barriers to free trade
within the EU by the end of 1992. This had implications for public utilities, which were
generally protected from competition. Utilities remain governed by national legislation and
regulatory rules, "but following the Single Market Agreement, the European Commission
has applied pressure on member states for utility markets to be opened up to
competition."20 Member states are reluctant to
give up their autonomy, and as a result of some national opposition, the European
Commission has not yet proposed EU-wide regulation. The EU directive regarding
opening up railways to competition met with fierce resistance from the railway unions,
especially in France.
At a
Barcelona meeting of the EU in March 2002, France said that it would accept a partial
privatization of energy markets in line with the EU goal to become the world's most
"dynamic economy" by 2010.21 But its
agreement was conditional on keeping traditional public services off-limits to free
enterprise. Prime Minister Jospin and President Chirac said they would agree to open gas
and electricity markets across Europe to competition by 2004 for businesses, but not for
private citizens. They sought guarantees that governments would retain control over
some services.
governments have sold some or all of their stakes in national airlines and power and
telecommunications companies. The European Commission is pushing for more
privatization. Their 1995 White Paper said that
progress is required in the areas of insurance, intellectual and industrial property, public procurement, new technologies and services and freedom of movement. Moreover, progress has been slow in the extension of the single market to telecommunications and energy, while the internal market in transport remains incomplete. Furthermore, additional progress is necessary in reinforcing competition rules, reducing State aid and reducing the role of the public sector. Privatization, to the extent that Member states judge it compatible with their objectives, could further the progress already made in this direction.22
BUT DOES THE FREE MARKET really increase competition? Is it more efficient than government, and can it produce goods more cheaply? Those are key questions to ask when evaluating the claims of the proponents of privatization. There are other important questions that free market proponents tend not to ask: Does the free market serve the basic needs of people better? Does it promote equity? Is it more democratic? Is it more accountable to consumers?
Eliot Sclar,
a Columbia University sociologist and privatization critic, argues that the free markets
inevitably collapse into monopolies. The theory of the free market is based on a concept
of each individual buyer and seller pursuing his or her own gain independent of the
others. All buyers and sellers presumably have equal knowledge (or ignorance) about
product quality and prices in the market. Buyers need only to seek out the lowest priced
seller. On the production side, sellers adopt production methods that keep costs as low
as possible. All producers presumably have all the technical possibilities for producing
the goods and each chooses the least costly means to do so. Under these conditions, the
market is said to be competitive. Profit maximizing for each producer and satisfaction-
maximizing for each consumer are highly predictable.
The complexities, uncertainties, and ambiguities of imperfect information, inadequate distribution of existing information, barriers to market entry, and product differentiation are all assumed to be either nonexistent or trivial."23
This model
is labeled a "Pareto optimum" after Vilfredo Pareto, who claimed to follow the teachings of
Adam Smith. It implies that
not only will a competitive market society enhance material wealth, but that as each individual acts in pursuit of his or her own gain, everyone is in fact helping to create the optimal possible amount of material satisfaction for everyone else in society."24
This market
model has nothing to say about the fairness of any Pareto optimal outcome. The Nobel
Prize winning economist Amartya Sen commented, "A society or an economy can be
Pareto optimal and still be perfectly disgusting."25
problem with this model, according to Sclar, is that the barriers to market entry for
additional sellers are often high and purchasers often don't have access to good
information on which to base their decisions to buy. The real economy is not a level
playing field, but a "mountainous terrain that includes several high peaks from which well-
endowed corporate and individual warriors swoop down to seize targets of
opportunity."26 There is some real competition,
mostly between small businesses, but the tendency is to try to monopolize the market in
order to maximize profits. Small businesses generally don't have the capital to handle
large contracts over a long period of time.
There is
another reason, in addition to Sclar's, disproving the idea that privatization follows the
Pareto principle. Privatization begins with getting government money. How is the Pareto
principle followed when prisoners are forced to be in private prisons? And how is the
Pareto principle followed when the government gives private corporations money to build
and run those prisons? There is no buyer and seller. And since private schools depend
on government money in the form of vouchers, there is no free enterprise commerce. If
someone starts a private school and competes with public schools on an equal basis, that
is free market competition, but the use of vouchers (government money) destroys
though privatization doesn't follow the classic Pareto principle, it does help to accomplish
a goal that conservatives hold dear -- downsizing government -- and Sclar sees
privatization as a back door to downsizing government. Precisely because the public
supports public services, it is more easily convinced that the size of government should
be diminished than that its responsibilities be curtailed, so contracting out public services
to private businesses becomes an ideological Trojan horse. The next step is convincing
the public that private firms can provide equal or better services at an equal or lower cost.
If contracting out doesn't achieve this, then the rationale for privatizing becomes weak
and the public is likely to lose confidence in it.
staunchest advocates of privatization would like to get rid of government entirely and give
all of its functions to private businesses. In his 1980 book Cutting Back City Hall,
Robert Poole, founder of the libertarian Reason Foundation, envisioned a city run entirely
by contracting out government services to many private providers.27 Milton and Rose Friedman would prefer ending all public
financing of primary and secondary education, except in hardship cases, but propose
vouchers as a more acceptable first step.28
Stuart Butler argues for breaking up "public spending coalitions" to bring about a
permanent reduction in the base of political support for government growth.29
These and
other staunch advocates of privatization base their arguments on an assumption that
contracting takes place in a competitive market environment. Sclar points out, however,
that "only in a highly constrained set of conditions is it possible to sustain competitive
STUDIES OF PRIVATIZATION SHOW THAT, while bidding for a contract may be competitive, the larger corporations generally win the bid and eventually monopolize the service. The process generally results in an oligopoly. Two of Sclar's case examples illustrate this -- public transportation in Denver, and school busing in New York City. In Denver, 20 percent of public transportation was put up for bidding in 1988. Small firms entered the bidding initially, but a handful of national firms consistently won the major contracts. They had the expertise to write expert proposals, lobby legislators regulating the industry and gain easy access to the necessary bonding, insurance, and financing. These firms engaged in the typical strategy of capturing a new market quickly and driving out small competitors by submitting an extremely low initial bid. "Once the Denver market became established, there was scarcely a whiff of competition."31 Two of the firms even merged in 1995. The legislature had been told that the efficiency brought about by competitive privatization would reduce operating costs by 40 percent. But the opposite happened. Between 1988 and 1990, operating costs had gone up from $100 million to $112.3 million.
New York
City, with 1.1 million students, is the largest school district in the United States and has
the most expensive municipal school-busing system in the country. Sclar says that it is so
expensive mainly because it is privatized but not competitively contracted. Although the
city wanted to encourage competition, the realities of the situation made it impossible.
Frequent changes of providers in a system of 3,800 routes carried too many risks of
disrupted school schedules and child safety. "Continually changing drivers, bus monitors,
and dispatchers creates confusion and unacceptable risk to children."32
Because of
a bitter strike by employees, the school board agreed to pay its contractors enough so
they could peg their wages to the settlement arrived at by the New York City Transit
Authority with its bus operators. Since public-transit wages are far higher than those
usually paid to private school-bus drivers, costs went up beyond what the city would have
paid if they had their own bus fleet. Sclar reports that the present system runs smoothly.
High wages ensure low labor turnover and, therefore, a good safety record. "The
contractors have no incentive to keep a lid on salaries because they are paid what
amounts to a management fee that is proportionate to operating costs. The higher the
costs, the higher the fee. Thus, everything in this arrangement conspires to drive up its
In the
spring of 1995, Mayor Giuliani announced his plan to return to competitive contracting.
He failed, but he did obtain a substantial cut in the costs of the next contract and
persuaded the vendors and their unions to uncouple their wages from those of the
NYCTA. However, "the noncompetitive structure of the market remained in place. Even if
competition could have been re-instituted, given the nature of the service, the market
would more than likely evolve once again in exactly the same manner."34
LABOR UNIONS ALMOST ALWAYS oppose privatization. It can lead to lost jobs, hiring less than full-time workers, and reducing or eliminating benefits. Low wages lead to a high rate of labor turnover. That often results in higher training costs, more inexperienced workers, higher accident rates, inferior service to the public, and even law suits. After the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) was privatized, the entire operator labor force turned over, on average, between 2.4 and 3.6 times in one year during the mid-1990s. This led to a high rate of passenger complaints.
It is hard to
compare the cost of a publicly provided service with one that is contracted out. The
measures that one chooses for comparison involve judgment and choice and, as Sclar
points out, "there can be no formulaic objective analysis."35 Studies done so far show that the cost difference between
contracting out and direct service provision is small, regardless of the direction of the
savings, "typically measured in single digit percentages."36 A survey of contracting practices in eight states concluded "that
the cost advantage generally favors in-house, not contracting out transportation
points out that the only way to obtain meaningful savings is by cutting personnel costs. A
study by HUD showed that 71 percent of all direct, municipal, public service operating
costs are labor. Proponents of privatization argue that public employees are significantly
overpaid and describe them as a "protected class." One study showed that wages of
public sector employees rose 14.6 percent between 1980 and 1989 while private-sector
wages rose only 3.4 percent. However, this study did not control for education, skill level,
and job tenure. When those variables were controlled, studies showed that public-sector
employees are paid 4 to 5 percent less than their private-sector counterparts.
sector workers are also better educated, with 44 percent having some college education,
as compared to about 20 percent of private-sector workers. It is only among the lowest
skilled and lowest paid occupations that public employees have a significant wage
advantage over private-sector workers. The HUD study found that the two lowest skilled
categories of public workers received wages and fringe benefits far exceeding those of
their private-sector counterparts. Publicly employed janitors received a compensation
package that was almost 70 percent higher than their private-sector counterparts. For
turf-maintenance workers, the differential was 52 percent. However, at the higher end of
the pay scale, public compensation lags behind private compensation. Lawyers in the
public sector, for example, earn significantly less than their private counterparts.
One of the
top priorities of privatization advocates is to break the back of unions, and especially the
public unions, which have been gaining strength even as unions in the private sector
decline. Closely related to this priority is their desire to lower wages for all workers. The
relatively high wages for public workers at the lower end of the wage scale have been
eroded by welfare reform, which has forced millions of welfare recipients into the low
wage labor market and lowered wages for workers in the lowest third of the pay
When the
economics of the decision to privatize is in question, the decision is often based on
politics. The politically motivated decision by Governor William Weld of Massachusetts to
privatize the state highway maintenance program is a prime example. While Weld
claimed that this was a pilot project, a 1994 study by the state Legislature named it the
beginning of a strategy to take it statewide. The Legislature found that there was an
overly chummy relationship between the contractor and the government official in charge
of supervising the contractor's work (a not uncommon occurrence in privatization
contracts). Furthermore, the terms of the contract itself made the nature of oversight
vague, permitting the contractor to set priorities, resulting in poor highway and bridge
maintenance. The state auditor estimated that the department actually lost approximately
$1.4 million. The Weld Administration challenged these findings, saying it actually saved
$2.5 million. The discrepancy between the two estimates involved different ways of
computing personnel costs. About a third of the work was still done by state workers, and
these costs weren't reflected in the contractor's estimates. Also, much maintenance was
deferred, passing the cost on to another administration.
of privatization often think of it in terms of a "spot market" rather than in terms of the
complex transaction costs involved in public-private partnerships. Those costs involve
specifying the product, negotiating prices, closely monitoring the quality, and anticipating
unforeseen contingencies. Obtaining all the relevant information can require considerable
time and money. Spot markets, on the other hand, are used to buy products such as
office supplies and motor vehicles which companies do not make themselves.
using the spot market can save money and be more efficient. Sclar gives an example of
sensible outsourcing. When he worked for the federal government, they obtained office
supplies from a central government store. An employee had to go "shop" and bring back
supplies. In the present day "when large private firms such as Staples and Office Max can
ship overnight at low prices, the rationale for using a public agency to store and track a
large inventory is difficult to sustain. It is equally difficult to justify using valuable
employee time to physically shop for needed items."38
Sclar gives
a remarkable example of public workers turning privatization to their advantage and
actually taking control of the production process. Since the workers get a share of the
savings they make, they have no problem with sending work out that could be done less
expensively by a private specialist.
who maintain the public transportation service in Indianapolis (the Indianapolis Fleet
Service) were threatened with losing their jobs in 1991 because the mayor of
Indianapolis, Stephen Goldsmith, announced his plan to privatize the service. Their
union, District Council 62 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) made it clear that they were prepared to fight privatization efforts
in the city to the bitter end. The union virtually ran the campaign of the mayor's opponent.
They organized a massive media campaign to make the public aware of the issues. They
took the city to court over the privatization of the wastewater treatment plant.
After a
particularly bitter round of contract negotiations, the director of the Department of
Transportation finally proposed a more conciliatory path of negotiations. He invited the
union to compete against private vendors in the bidding for management of the service.
The union agreed to enter their bid, but built in protections in the bidding process such as
getting training in writing the proposal from the city, the right to submit several practice
proposals, and various other protections.
The union
won the bid in 1995 because of the savings they were able to make in overhead costs.
With the help of a sympathetic mayoral advisor, they removed patronage employees,
which helped to gain the trust of the rank-and-file workers. They also got rid of several
middle management people and clerical workers. Beyond attrition, no jobs were lost on
the shop floor. The shop now runs without any foremen because each worker is trained to
do the work.
IT IS TRUE THAT PUBLIC OPERATIONS are sometimes inefficient. Public bureaucracies, "like sedentary people, tend to accumulate fat around the middle."39 They often collect more middle level managers than they need, some of who are political appointees. Sclar points out that the solution to this is not privatization; the solution is reorganization of the public service.
Use of the
spot market may lead to more efficiency and cost savings, but the picture is different
when complex contracting is involved. There is no evidence that private corporations
manage complex services more efficiently than governments. In fact, private corporations
often hire managers from the public sector to manage their contracts. The substantive
experience of the public managers is crucial to effective service delivery.
The British
rail service is a good example of how privatization can break down partly because of the
complexity of contracting and supervising the contract. Amid promises of greater
efficiency, reliability, and returns from corporate taxes, the British railway was sold to
Railtrack, a private corporation. The system was broken up into more than 100 separate
businesses, some of which subcontracted parts of their responsibilities. By October 2000,
there were two major collisions, caused by faulty signals, which killed a total of 38 people,
while a third crash caused by a broken rail, killed another four. Last year, the number of
train cancellations rose to 165,000, nearly three times the 1999 level. In October 2001,
the government placed Railtrack in "administration" -- in effect, bankrupting it.40
The private
corporations cut costs by firing workers, which caused problems ranging from
cancellations due to few drivers being available to dangerous unstaffed stations.
Maintenance companies cut their staff by about a third. Government subsidies to the
railways were about three times higher than before privatization. Public opinion polls
show large majorities in favor of renationalizing the whole system.
It became
impossible to run the system as an integrated whole because there were so many
contractors who often did not communicate with each other. The accumulated wisdom of
the experienced workers was lost. The Financial Times described the
breakdown of the old comradeship, which used to mean that problems were easily spotted, repairs made, and people could talk to each other. Track workers operated in gangs and knew their stretch of rails like their own back gardens. Instead, workers became nomadic, moving to the next job with little or no local knowledge and instructions not to talk to rival workers except via a supervisor miles away. The second big problem was a growing lack of control over the staff and their work. There have been complaints of subcontractors recruiting workers out of pubs to fill gaps on the night shift."41
PRIVATIZATION OFTEN LENDS ITSELF to corruption by both private and public officials. Since this is done in secret, it is hard for the public to find out about it. To avoid corruption in contracting, privatization must be placed under strict supervision. Proponents of privatization resist this, as they want less public regulation. In spite of their singing the praises of competition, they are even happier if they can get the contract without bidding for it. More than half of the federal government's purchases last year were done without bidding or with procedures that auditors say are noncompetitive.42
passed legislation in 1984 requiring full and open competition for all government
purchases except in special cases, such as utilities with only one supplier or weapons
systems made by just one company. However, since the 1990s when the Clinton
administration and the GOP-controlled Congress streamlined purchasing under its
"reinventing government" initiatives, noncompetitive shopping has been on the rise,
according to an Associated Press analysis of government contracting records. It
accelerated under President Bush last year. In all, the government bought $123 billion of
its $230 billion in goods and services in 2001 without bids. This resulted in large
overcharges for goods.
A Pentagon
review found the prices paid for commercially available spare parts bought without
competition increased more than twice as fast between 1993 and 2000 as did prices for
similar parts bought competitively. Watchdogs have found repeated instances of
overpricing. Boeing charged the government $5 million for parts that were worth $3.2
million in the competitive market, the Pentagon inspector general found in 1999.
has a long history of bribery of public officials, price-fixing, "and the art of defiantly
pleading no contest to such charges when they become public."43 They were caught twice during the 1980s for using illegal
influence with New York City public officials to get a contract to privatize their parking
enforcement activities. Mayor Giuliani barred Lockheed from any business dealings with
the city for four years. Still Lockheed tried to get a contract from the city by lobbying at the
state level to privatize the management information system of public transportation in the
is now the largest business in the welfare reform market. Its Information Management
Services Division had child support contracts in 16 states and contracts in 20 states to
convert various welfare benefits to electronic debit cards. After TANF (the Republican-
promoted, Clinton-approved Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) was enacted,
Lockheed launched a major "welfare reform/self-sufficiency initiative."44
Welfare Warriors, a welfare rights group in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, documents the
corruption in welfare contracts in Wisconsin, describing it as "Wisconsin's Bloated
Welfare Empire." Six private, for-profit companies received contracts to administer the
city's TANF case welfare program. Under welfare reform, Wisconsin's welfare costs
increased from $548 million for 299,700 individuals to $710 million for less than 20,000
individuals. During the first 2 years of welfare reform these corporations earned $65.1
million in profits. Some of those earnings were achieved by denying cash to families,
sanctioning them, or kicking them off the rolls.
An audit of
Wisconsin's welfare program, called "W-2," was conducted in April 2001. They found that
two of these companies, Goodwill and Maximus, admitted to "improperly spending" a half
million dollars each in projects in other states, parties, promotional schemes, meals and
concerts. "Neither corporation was prosecuted for felony welfare fraud. Nor did Tommy
Thompson, then governor of Wisconsin, terminate their lucrative W2 contracts."45
The Enron
collapse reveals the venality of corporations in evading regulation. Enron's auditor, Arthur
Anderson, and four other large accounting firms have waged a war against the Securities
and Exchange Commission to avoid government regulation. Arthur Leavitt, Jr., who was
the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission under President Clinton, told a
New Yorker reporter that the "Big Five" accounting firms organized themselves into
a lobbying force on Capitol Hill that essentially bought the Congress and destroyed the
power of the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate them.46
ADVOCATES OF THE FREE MARKET assume that the public interest will be automatically served if each individual follows his or her economic self-interest. It hasn't worked out that way for the poor and the vulnerable. Private companies have increasingly taken over the social services. In business to make a profit, they prefer to serve clients who will help them do that, which leads to "creaming" the clientele. The people whom private organizations find too difficult or intractable are left for the government to serve directly, if they are served at all.
services (e.g., foster care and adoption, counseling, rehabilitation, private charity), have
long been dominated by the non-profit sector. Private charity began before public charity,
most often under the auspices of religious groups or religious-minded individuals.
Catholic Charities, the Federation of Protestant Welfare Organizations, United Jewish
Appeal-Federation and the Salvation Army, for example, are large providers of private
charity. However, voluntary agencies are not really "private" any more because much of
their funding comes from federal, state, and local governments in public-private
partnership arrangements. Nonprofit agencies have, in effect, become "paid agents" of
the government to an extent that no one in the 19th century would have dreamed
possible. They have increased their contracting with both state and federal governments
since the 1980s.
agencies are no longer exclusively concerned with the poor; in fact, they have
increasingly disengaged from the poor. A study by the Urban Institute in the 1980s
showed that over half of nonprofit human service agencies had few or no poor clients and
only 27 percent had mostly poor clients. Research shows that
charity benefits the relatively advantaged rather than disadvantaged groups, well-established organizations rather than new, grassroots activities, community organizing, issue advocacy, or controversial public policy initiatives. Social and class elites are overrepresented on boards and have disproportionate power over priorities, though there is more risk taking with younger diverse board membership.47
During the
1960s, the government's War on Poverty program encouraged some agencies to pay
more attention to the poor, sometimes paying them to do so through lucrative contracts.
For the first time, some prestigious private agencies such as Family Service Association
and Jewish Family Services hired low-income people from the communities they served,
and the government established a human services career ladder for low-income people,
subsidizing many human service programs in colleges.
people claim that private non-profit agencies are more creative and innovative than
government in responding to need, but it was the government during the War on Poverty
that established some of the most path breaking programs. The Community Action
Program organized poor people to fight unresponsive government bureaucracies. The
National Welfare Rights Organization was organized largely by Community Action
Programs and VISTA volunteers. Head Start, the government childcare program for poor
families, compares favorably with high quality private childcare programs. Users of
services were brought in as equal partners in setting policy when the Economic
Opportunity Act required the "maximum feasible participation" of a program's
beneficiaries. That demand for democratic participation echoed the demand for
participatory democracy of the 1960s New Left, and was a radical breakthrough in social
services, far beyond anything the nonprofit sector has done. It continues to live on in
some programs through statutory requirements for parental involvement in Head Start
programs and in planning educational programs for special needs children.
The federal
government employed a social services strategy to ending poverty and increased funding
of nonprofit agencies in the 1960s. Between 1967 and 1972, federal funds authorized by
the 1962 Title XX amendments to the Social Security Act grew from $242 million to
$1.688 billion. Congress became alarmed by the open-ended nature of funding for social
services and in 1972, they put a $2.5 billion ceiling on it.48 The federal budget for social services began to decline under
the Reagan Administration. Conservatives believed that social programs were actually
harmful, and they turned to moral regeneration as an anti-poverty program. The neo-
liberals emphasized the moral value of work and individual initiative; neo-conservatives
added to that a belief in traditional values, religion, and marriage and the family. They
believe in faith-based social services. The libertarian Reason Foundation advocates
getting government out of the financing and delivery of services altogether. They would
substitute families, churches, neighborhoods, and community groups to meet social
Reagan Administration turned the federal social service program (Title XX of the Social
Security Act) into a block grant, which sharply reduced federal funding levels but also
eliminated state matching requirements. It virtually eliminated reporting requirements, and
allowed even greater flexibility in the targeting of funds. The conservatives who were now
in charge of social service delivery demanded more businesslike management and more
business involvement. In 1986, for example, child support legislation specifically
encouraged the states to contract with private companies for technical activities. By the
mid-1990s, for-profit firms accounted for nearly half of all social service agencies and
about one-third of social services employment.50
care is becoming increasingly popular in several social service fields, including child
welfare. For-profit businesses have entered almost every field of the social services --
nursing homes, child care, vocational rehabilitation, adoption assistance, family
counseling, services for the handicapped, mental health, and others.
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA),
which created the TANF program, allowed state or local agencies to contract out their
entire welfare program, including intake, eligibility, and services. As a result, large for-
profit companies, including Ross Perot's former company, Electronic Data Systems
(EDS), and IBM, have entered the welfare market. The Applied Research Center in
Oakland California refers to this phenomenon as US private companies "prospecting
among the poor in the welfare reform gold fields."51 Sandy Felder, public sector coordinator of the Service
Employees International Union, claimed that the 1996 welfare reforms permitted "one of
the largest corporate grabs in history."52 A
Lehman Brothers analyst estimated the potential market for welfare-related contracts at
over $20 billion a year. He noted that "it's a huge revenue target for the private sector to
go after."53
These firms
claim to save tax dollars while promoting "self-sufficiency."* They speak glowingly of getting people off the rolls into
jobs, but they don't mention the approximately 40 percent of people who haven't found
jobs or the increase in homelessness, hunger, and infant mortality. Nor do they mention
that most people who got jobs are still poor, earning on average between $7 and $9 an
hour. Caseload reduction is the main standard specified in their contracts. Performance
standards were not established for client wages, benefits, or job retention and so
contractors had no incentive to work for those goals. They were, in fact, doing what the
government wanted them to do when it passed the welfare law -- push people into the
low-wage job market as fast as possible, without regard for the consequences.
It would be
hard to compare the performance of private contractors with public employees because
the public employees have also been told to do the same thing. The calculated cruelty of
welfare departments is probably as fierce in a public agency as in a private one. But
states that are doing the job with public employees are probably at least saving money
because they are not concerned with profits and stock market returns to their
PRWORA included a charitable choice provision, which allows faith-based organizations
to get TANF funding. This has raised constitutional issues about the separation of church
and state and the potential for discrimination by faith-based agencies.
important function of the government is to insure fair and equal treatment to its citizens.
When private agencies discriminate, the government should prohibit that. A notorious
lawsuit which challenged the discriminatory practices of some private agencies is
documented by New York Times reporter Nina Bernstein in her book The Lost
Children of Wilder.54 The suit, filed in
federal court in 1973, named as defendants six state and city officials and seventy-seven
voluntary agencies and their directors. It charged that the statutory basis for the provision
of child welfare to New York City children was unconstitutional because the agencies
sponsored by religious organizations discriminated against black children. The suit
charged that because these agencies gave preference to children of their own faith, they
were violating the First Amendment's proscription against laws that established religion or
prohibited the free exercise of religion. It also charged that their practices violated equal
protection and due process guarantees of the Fourteenth Amendment. Furthermore, it
charged that when those children most in need of care were denied adequate services
and instead were sent to institutions where they were subjected to cruel and unusual
punishment, this violated the Eighth Amendment.
and trustees of religious agencies, rabbis and priests, city and state officials, and their
lawyers all marshaled their forces to fight the suit. The Federation of Jewish
Philanthropies feared that they might lose private donations if they were forced to take
large numbers of non-Jewish children, and also feared that the suit threatened
government funding for nursing homes for Jewish elderly, a larger and more costly part of
their functioning.
The suit,
known as Wilder (the name of the girl who had been in foster care), went on for 14
years. Lawyers often likened the case to Jarndyce and Jarndyce, the suit in Dickens's
Bleak House that dragged on for so long that people forgot what it meant. The
Wilder suit was settled in 1987, guaranteeing children equal access to the best
foster-care services available, regardless of race or religion. It did, however, exempt an
Orthodox Jewish agency, which remained all white, pervasively religious, and publicly
funded. It also contained compromise language on family planning to make it acceptable
to the Catholic Church. Judge Justine Wise Polier, a strong advocate of separation of
church and state, was deeply disappointed. She was convinced that the child welfare
system's resistance to change was rooted in a sectarian structure that violated the First
Amendment and that the settlement abandoned the principle of separation of church and
This case
points up the dangers inherent in faith-based social services. Prior to the charitable
choice provision, agencies that were tax exempt were prohibited from mixing religion with
social service provision when they received government funds. Now they can be openly
religious as long as clients have a choice of a comparable non-religious social service.
Sometimes such an alternative is not easily available to a client.
conservative morality and emphasis on faith-based charity and "self-help" has led to
diminished support for public services and stigmatization of people who depend on
government support. It directs the analysis of problems away from dysfunctional systems
to dysfunctional individuals. The Reagan Administration began the call for self-help and
internal solutions to black social problems, while at the same time engaging in a massive
disinvestment in black communities that increased their poverty. President Bill Clinton
advocated personal responsibility among black people. The Million Man March expressed
this self-help ideology, too, one that lets government off the hook while increasing
people's internalized oppression and weakening their ability to fight back.
businesses often rely on performance-based and outcome-based contracts, emphasizing
an efficiency that may be conservative, but is seldom compassionate. In their welfare-to-
work training programs, companies focus almost exclusively on skills that will actually be
used on the job, without regard to clients' emotional and cognitive needs or practical
difficulties. They want to get people into jobs as fast as possible. The Ohio legislature
gave Anderson consulting a million-dollar contract in 1996 to help the state restructure
the welfare department based on a "tough love" approach, with strong job incentives and
sanctions for failure to work.55 Many non-
profits, on the other hand, are more likely to take a more holistic approach to the welfare-
to-work process, helping clients build emotional resilience and offering them a community
of supporters to help them through finding and retaining a job. A long-time community
worker describes her contacts with private businesses involved in welfare reform:
They hold these meetings to describe the proposal process for new money and we see people in the room who have never worked with poor people before . . . then we hear that they got big money to make people "job-ready" . . . pretty soon they call us up asking for help because their clients have too many problems to hold jobs.56
In their
search for allies, welfare rights activists who oppose the current welfare reform are often
disappointed by the absence of human service providers among their ranks. There are
some who fight against TANF, but many are afraid to oppose the state for fear of
jeopardizing their contracts. Ann Withorn studied how community-based nonprofit
agencies are responding to welfare reform. She found that agencies were facing
increased demands on their resources because of welfare reform, but feel intimidated
about protesting. One community leader said,
We can speak up here, with each other, but it is hard before the legislators -- and not because we are afraid for our funding. A strange dynamic happens, they don't want to hear us whine; they want us "to think outside the box." So we try to speak so that we won't threaten anybody with how bad it is and our limits in dealing with it.57
THE UNITED KINGDOM WHITTLED away at its National Health Service by public funding of a massive expansion of private nursing and residential care. Long-term care for frail elderly people, the chronically ill and the physically and mentally disabled has been almost completely eliminated from NHS and local authority provision. In 1990 the central government devolved responsibility for long- term care to local governments, giving them a block grant to carry this out. However, the grant specified that 85 percent of the money had to go to private sector providers, which effectively prevented local authorities from reverting to providing long-term care directly in-house and making alternative provision in the community virtually impossible.58
reliance on for-profit companies is tricky. If profitability drops in one sector, the company
will leave the field, moving on to other, more lucrative markets. Nursing homes in the
United States were at one time bringing in big returns on the stock market. However, with
government cutbacks in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, profits are down. Sun
Healthcare Group (SGH), one of the largest US nursing home chains (and the holding
company of the British chain Ashbourne Group, which operates 149 homes and 8,367
beds nationwide) faced reduced shares of more than 60 percent at the beginning of 1999.
Companies such as SGH and Tenet are introducing cost cutting measures such as staff
cutbacks, reducing time spent with patients, and using lower-paid professionals to deliver
the care. The company has already fired 7,490 employees, including 36 percent of
rehabilitation workers.59
Profits from
residential and nursing home care depends on the use of non-union labor with low
wages, minimum guaranteed hours and no sick pay or training opportunities. These
dismal working conditions lead to high staff turnover and lower quality of care. In Britain,
home-care assistants were among the 10 lowest paid occupations in 1996. The majority
of home-care assistants and nursing home aides are women. Many former welfare
recipients in the US are working in these low-paid occupations.
A 1993
World Bank report on health care "reinforced the neo-liberal canon of the privatization of
health care to turn it into a terrain for capital accumulation."60 We know how that has played out with health care in the United
States. Private insurance companies refuse to serve the sickest, business managers
rather than doctors decide what kind of treatment people will get, care is time-limited, and
over 40 million people are uninsured. The rich still get premium care from their "boutique
doctors," but as states cut back on Medicaid, the poor are denied even basic dental
Privatization of mental hospital care has led some hospitals to engage in
financial and emotional exploitation of patients. In 1991, a Texas family told a state
senator that their 14-year-old son had been apprehended, detained, and treated on an
emergency basis by a private psychiatric hospital, without their consent. A Senate
committee investigated, and many testified at the hearing that hospitals manipulated
diagnoses in order to justify longer admissions and increase insurance benefits. Patients
described incidents of forced and inappropriate treatment, which enabled the hospitals to
collect payment from the patients' health insurance.61 Many mentally ill people were forced out of state hospitals due
to the deinstitutionalization movement that took place from the 1960s through the 1980s.
Those without health insurance often received no treatment at all in the private sector.
Private psychiatric hospitals prefer to treat those with money. People joke about the "60
day miracle cure" that occurs when hospitals declare people to be cured when their
insurance runs out.
Conservatives want to scale back Social Security and Medicare to cover only
the most vulnerable of the aged population -- the poor, sick, frail, and incapacitated. This
would lessen the role of government and contain expenditures. Proposals have been
circulated to partially transform Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) into a defined
contribution plan, to issue Medicare vouchers to the old, or to impose an "affluence test"
on Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. Eligibility for full OASI benefits is already
scheduled to rise from 65 to 67 by 2027. Raising the eligibility age for Medicare benefits
was proposed during the Balanced Budget Act debates in 1997. Raising the eligibility age
for services under the Older Americans Act from 60 to 65 or even 70 has also been
of these plans argue that since people are living to a longer and healthier old age, they
are able to work longer and no longer need so much government assistance. They have
"graduated into the private sector." Conservatives want to eliminate programs that "have
the effects of bestowing entitlement and/or creating dependency."62 They would like to turn Social Security into a means tested
program without entitlements, as they have already done with TANF.
PRISONS ARE NOW BIG BUSINESS and they are traded on the stock exchange. Private corporations entered the business in response to the enormous increase in the U.S. prison population over the past 20 years, which placed a strain on state budgets. Private contractors promised to run the prisons more cheaply, although studies on this are inconclusive. When there are cost savings, they are achieved at the expense of reducing and underpaying staff. Unions have always opposed the privatization of prisons, as have the ACLU and state Bar Associations.
Already 25
states plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia have passed laws allowing private
contractors to run correctional facilities. Between 1985 and 1995, the number of prison
beds under private management grew from 935 to 63,595 -- a increase of nearly 7,000
percent. Though this is only a small percentage of all prison beds, one researcher
estimates that there will be some 360,000 privately run prison beds by the year 2004.63
Many stock
analysts have urged their clients to invest in the major corporations in the field, such as
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and Wackenhut Corrections. The Wall
Street Journal called Wackenhut a "hot industry." Forbes magazine described
it as "A Surefire Growth Industry."64 Some
criminologists are concerned about private corporations having a vested interest in
having a large incarceration rate. Jeffrey Reiman comments: "I have been pointing out
how the rich get richer while the poor get prison, but the privatization movement
points to a new phase in which the rich get richer because the poor get prison!"65
CCA is the
first and the largest private corporation to run prisons. By 1997 it had become a half-
billion-dollar-a-year corporation, with sixty-seven facilities in the United States, Puerto
Rico, Australia, and Great Britain. However, by the late 1990s, it faced problems, and,
"ultimately, its ability to maintain the double-digit growth rates it had posted throughout
the decade."66 In Youngstown, Ohio, 44
assaults and two fatal stabbings took place within the prison. Also, six inmates escaped
from the facility, leading Youngstown residents to demand its closure. An Ohio legislative
committee found that over 100 maximum-security prisoners had been sent to the prison,
although the contract had specified that only medium-security prisoners could be sent
Later four
prisoners escaped in another prison in Clinton, Tennessee. Opponents of CCA staged a
protest chanting "public safety's not for sale," and claiming that CCA was sacrificing
security by cutting corners. They also accused the firm of getting a free ride from the
government, which organized escapee manhunts and financed medical payments for
prisoners above CCA caps. The protesters aimed to stop the reintroduction of a bill in the
Tennessee legislature that would permit the private management of 70 percent of the
state's prison beds. In 1999, CCA named J. Michael Quinlan, a former director of the
federal Bureau of Prisons, as president and chief operating officer (yet another example
of the revolving door between public and private managers).67
On ethical
grounds alone, giving private individuals the authority to punish law-breakers raises
serious ethical issues. Max Weber argued correctly that since criminal acts violate laws,
which are created by representatives of the state, legal punishment must be imposed and
administered by state authority.68
THE SUPREME COURT WILL SOON DECIDE whether it is constitutional to give parents government money to send their children to private schools. Supporters of school vouchers claim that it will give poor children a chance to escape from public schools that are failing them. Opponents charge that it violates the principle of separation of church and state by supporting religious schools and that it doesn't benefit poor children.
The Ohio
Legislature set up a voucher plan to give parents $2,250 a year of state money to send
their children to private schools, and Cleveland is implementing the plan. In theory, the
voucher program is open to any private school and any suburban public school. However,
only 51 private schools enrolled, all but five of them run by the Catholic archdiocese.69 No suburban schools enrolled because the
state will only reimburse those schools at per pupil state basic aid, $4,000 when the law
was passed in 1995. Michael Charney, a union official of the Cleveland Teachers Union
asks, in a letter to the editor: "Why would suburban schools sign up, lose thousands of
dollars, and then be answerable to property owners during school levy elections?"70
voucher program benefits lower middle-class students already attending parochial
schools. Seventy-nine percent never attended a Cleveland public school. Almost one-
third of families using the vouchers earn more than 200 percent of the poverty level, while
88 percent of Cleveland public school elementary students qualify for free and reduced
lunches.71 Ellen Goodman comments that the
taxpayers send "nearly $10 million to schools where students are required to say Mass
or, in the case of one Cleveland school, pledge allegiance to the 'Christian flag and to the
Savior for whose Kingdom it stands.'"72
Private and
parochial schools have an advantage over public schools because they can select
children. They can refuse children with special needs, learning disabilities, behavioral
problems, or language difficulties. Private schools are free of the accountability required
of public schools. President Bush filed a brief on behalf of the Ohio program, but he
would not apply to voucher schools the same annual testing and standards-based
curriculum required of public schools in his new education law.73
way to privatize public education is for corporations to run the schools themselves. In
1990, Education Alternatives, Inc. (EAI) was the first for-profit firm under contract to run a
public school, the South Pointe elementary School in Dade County, Florida. The business
community has been enthusiastic about the profit making potential of running schools.
The Wall Street term-if-art for private companies operating public schools is Education
Management Organizations (EMOs). Proponents of EMOs like to compare public
education to the healthcare industry of 25 years ago, before the sweep of HMOs. Mary
Tanner, managing director of Lehman Brothers, told a 1996 Education Industry
Conference, "The emergence of HMOs and hospital management companies created
enormous opportunities for investors. We believe the same pattern will occur in
But it has
been far from clear sailing for private corporations in the education business. EAI soon
found it couldn't run public schools for less funding than did the districts with which it
contracted; neither could it fulfill its promises of academic improvement. By the spring of
2000 the company was bankrupt.
their failure, other companies are claiming they can improve educational performance
while turning a profit. Edison Schools, Inc., now based in New York City, is the largest. It
runs 136 schools serving 75,000 students in 22 states and the District of Columbia. But
Edison has not made a profit and they admit that they aren't certain when they will make a
profit, if at all.75
In New
York City, parents voted against Edison's managing five New York schools. In Wichita,
Kansas, the school board is debating whether to end its contracts with four Edison
schools in the district, which each cost $250,000 more than comparable district schools.
In Dallas, the school board forced Edison to renegotiate its five-year contract when it was
found that Edison would have otherwise received $20 million more than the actual cost of
running its seven schools. In San Francisco, parents and school board members revoked
Edison's charter when test scores showed that the school's performance was the worst
among the city schools.
Philadelphia, Edison attempted to secure a six-year $101 million consulting contract and
a separate deal to run as many as 45 of the district's schools.76 The state appointed a School Reform Commission with four
members appointed by the governor and one by the mayor that has authority to remake
the Philadelphia school district in almost any way it chooses. Edison had strong political
connections with then governor Tom Ridge (now director of the Office of Homeland
Security), and confidently expected their political clout to win them the contract. However,
Christopher Whittle, the president and chief executive of Edison Schools Inc., behaved
arrogantly toward city officials and failed to build grass roots support.77
Edison ran
into stiff community resistance, but the School Reform Commission has hired Edison to
be its key advisor on a broad range of issues. In April, they announced plans to hire 12
companies and nonprofit groups to offer advice on how to manage the school system.
Opposition to the company has been intense from community members, who criticize
Edison's for-profit status and its uneven record in running schools. Barbara Goodman, a
spokeswoman for the 21,000 member Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, said, "We
don't see any grand plan that addresses the real issues, like improving graduation and
attendance rates and test scores. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve
outcomes for kids, and we are probably blowing it."78
IS THERE HOPE OF WINNING against the powerful force of globalization? The verdict is still out, but water privatizations, for example, have been backfiring in many countries. Protests have erupted in Ecuador, Estonia, Chile, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, South Africa, Poland, and Hungary.79
Bolivia privatized its water system, the action forced a national crisis. Bolivia signed a
lucrative, long-term contract with Aguas del Tunari, a consortium that was dominated by
the United States-based Bechtel Corporation, to take over the water supply of the
country. In 1999, they took over the water system of the Andean city of Cochabamba. The
corporation raised the water rates so much that ordinary workers had water bills which
amounted to a quarter of their monthly income.
residents of Villa San Miguel, a settlement two miles from Cochabamba, formed a
cooperative and dug their own well, with the help of Danish aid workers. It provided
plentiful and relatively cheap water to 210 families. The Bolivian government then
auctioned the Cochabamba water system, and the company that won the bid installed
meters to charge for water on cooperative wells such as Villa San Miguel's. A new water
law had been rushed through the Bolivian parliament to legalize these
engineers and environmentalists began calling public meetings to air their concerns. The
government ignored them. Neighborhood associations, water cooperatives, labor unions,
and others soon joined the protest, forming a broad coalition called La Coordinadora, the
Coordinator for the Defense of Water and Life. When the first water bills arrived, middle-
class householders joined the protests. The company's manager responded to the
protests by saying that if people didn't pay their water bills their water would be turned
A good part
of the 800,000 citizens of Cochabamba were in the streets, "battling police and soldiers
in what people had started calling la guerre del agua -- the Water War."80 The national government declared martial law
as unrest spread to the rest of the country. The protests expanded and the government
sent in troops. The leaders were arrested and some were taken to a jungle prison in the
Amazon. Nearly 200 protesters were arrested, and 70 civilians and 51 police officers
were wounded. In April 2000 the Army killed a 17-year-old student, Victor Hugo Daza.
Dozens of other people were treated for bullet wounds. "By the time Daza had been
raised onto his bier and the police and the Army had been repeatedly prevented from
seizing his body, there was clearly no future for Aguas del Tunari in Cochabamba."81
Coordinadora forced the government to pass a new national water law which gave legal
recognition to usos y costumbres -- traditional communal practices -- by protecting
small independent water systems, guaranteeing public consultation on rates, and giving
social needs priority over financial goals. The war seemed to have been won, but the
government was slow to implement the law. The old public utility known as SEMAPA,
having driven away international capitalists, desperately needs new capital. Service is
still poor. The World Bank was not interested in helping. Its representatives have never
met with the leaders of the Coordinadora. In recent years, the Bank has been widely
accused of not fulfilling (or even seriously pursuing) its self-proclaimed mission of fighting
poverty. The new SEMAPA "has not won the hearts of many in Cochabamba -- it is, after
all, still the water company. But, its supporters point out, at least it is Bolivian."82
resisted the Coordinadora so fiercely because it feared that renouncing their contract with
the consortium would be a blow to the confidence of foreign investors, which they
depended on for financial stability. An auction to sell the La Paz telephone company drew
no bidders at all. The United States has been considering labeling the episode an
expropriation, which would be a blow to Bolivia's hopes of attracting foreign
In the
United States, the battle against privatization is being fought by unions, community
groups, and some progressive city and state officials. In addition to the successes in
Indianapolis and New York (already cited), there's hope from the city of Paragould, Ark.,
whose residents fought against a private cable company's attempt to take over municipal
cable service. Mayor Dennis Kuchinich fought off a private corporation's attempts to take
over the municipal electric company of Cleveland. In Massachusetts, a law called the
Pacheco Act requires that all proposed privatization be subject to a cost analysis. It
permits employees who will be affected to submit proposals for work reform which could
demonstrate that problems could be solved within the public sector.
the most significant resistance to privatization in the U.S. are the living wage campaigns.
Nationwide, 83 communities have enacted laws raising wages for thousands of low-paid
workers employed by city contractors. These laws undermine the threat of privatization
because contractors are less likely to bid for city services when they are required to pay
higher wages, and cities are less tempted to seek to save money by privatizing
We don't
fight for public rather private programs because we assume that government programs
are necessarily better. A public prison is still a prison. A government that wants welfare
recipients to get into the low-wage labor market will force them there whether it pays
public employees or private employees to do it. Even when their jobs are alienating, it is
understandable that public employees would fight for their jobs whether they are in a
prison or in a welfare department.
It is in our
interest to fight against privatization because companies are interested in profit, not
human needs. Democratic socialists are fighting not just for jobs, but for a humane
society. We want nothing less than democratic control of all of society's institutions. That
begins with defending, expanding, improving and -- yes -- democratizing the public
sector, not with capitulating to the parochial needs of property and profit-making.
* The term "self-sufficiency" is an ideologically loaded term, and is widely used when talking about welfare recipients. It implies that welfare recipients have been "dependent" and unmotivated to work for a living. I prefer the term "economic stability." No one is "self-sufficient"; we all need various kinds of support from other people. return