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Book Review Index

Vol. I, No. 1 - Vol. XII, No. 2
(whole no. 1 - whole no. 46)

(entries are alphabetized by the author of the book reviewed; the book title is given next, then the reviewer, and the issue number and page number separated by a colon)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

[Note: There were some typographical errors in the page numbers listed in the table of contents and index of issue no. 32; the page numbers of the actual articles are given below.]

Abramowitz, Mimi, Regulating the Lives of Women: Social Welfare From Colonial Times to the Present
  • Betty Reid Mandell, 9:180.

Alexander, Edward, Irving Howe: Socialist, Critic, Jew

  • Jason Schulman, 27:185.

Anderson, Kevin, Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism: A Critical Study

  • Paul Buhle, 25:185.

Andrew, Christopher and Visili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield

  • Ernest Erber, 28:178.

Barber, Benjamin R., An Aristocracy of Everyone: The Politics of Education and the Future of America

  • Harvey J. Kaye, 15:187.

Barrett, Michele, Women's Oppression Today: The Marxist-Feminist Encounter

  • Janet Biehl, 8:180.

Barsky, Robert F., Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent

Bell, Derrick, Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism

Bell, Derrick, Silent Covenants

  • Stephen Steinberg, 38:159.

Benson, Herman, Rebels, Reformers, & Racketeers

Berlet, Chip, and Matthew N. Lyons, Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort

  • Marvin Mandell, 32:216.

Biehl, Janet, Finding Our Way: Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics

  • Kelly Stoner, 11:169.

Bird, Kai, and Lawrence Lifschultz, eds., Hiroshima's Shadow: Writings on the Denial of History and the Smithsonian Controversy

Blackburn, Robin, The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776-1848

  • Christopher Phelps, 11:183.

Blake, Casey, Beloved Community: The Cultural Criticism of Randolph Bourne, Van Wyck Brooks, Waldo Frank and Lewis Mumford

  • Christopher Phelps, 13:181.

Bloom, Allan, The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students

  • Thomas H. Birch, 5:168.

Boggs, Carl, Masters of War: Militarism and Blowback in the Era of American Empire

  • Laurie Calhoun, 39:168.

Brecher, Jeremy and Costello, Tim, Global Village or Global Pillage

  • Louis F. Cooper, 20:195.

Briggs, Vernon M. Jr., Immigration And American Unionism

  • Paul Buhle, 34:154.

Brodner, Steve, Freedom Fries

  • Gary Martin, 40:192.

Bronner, Stephen, Blood in the Sand

  • Jason Schulman, 41:153.

Bronner, Stephen Eric, Ideas in Action,

  • Michael J. Thompson, 29:191.

Bronner, Stephen Eric, Moments of Decision: Political History and the Crises of Radicalism

  • Frank Cunningham, 17:180.

Bronner, Stephen Eric, Socialism Unbound

  • George Katsiaficas, 12:189.

Broué, Pierre, The German Revolution 1917 - 1923

  • Martin Comack, 42:183.

Buckley, Gail, American Patriots: The Story of Blacks in the Military from the Revolution to Desert Storm

  • Reginald Wilson.

Buhle, Mari Jo and Paul Buhle, Encyclopedia of the American Left

  • Mike Hirsch, 10:190.

Buhle, Mari Jo, Buhle, Paul, and Kaye, Harvey, eds., The American Radical

  • Kent Worcester, 18:210.

Buhle, Paul, A Dreamer's Paradise Lost: Louis C. Fraina/Lewis Corey

  • Staughton Lynd, 20:178.

Buhle, Paul, History and the New Left: Madison Wisconsin 1950-70

  • Mike Hirsch, 10:190.

Buhle, Paul, and Edmund B. Sullivan, Images of American Radicalism

  • Louis Proyect, 25:180.

Bush, Melanie E.L., Breaking the Code of Good Intentions: Everyday Forms of Whiteness

  • Kathleen Odell Korgen, 39:160.

Canham-Clyne, John, The Rational Option for a National Health Program,

  • Elaine Bernard, 22:185.

Carter, Stephen L., Reflections of An Affirmative Action Baby

  • Reginald Wilson, 12:183.

Cashin, Sheryll, The Failures of Integration: How Race and Class are Undermining the American Dream

Castañeda, Jorge, Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left After the Cold War

  • Eric Hershberg, 18:196.

Challinor, Raymond, The Struggle for Hearts and Minds, Essays on the Second World War,

  • James D. Young, 22:192.

Chancer, Lynn S., Reconcilable Differences: Confronting Beauty, Pornography, and the Future of Feminism

  • Jessie Klein, 27:188.

Chancer, Lynn S., Sadomasochism in Everyday Life: The Dynamics of Power and Powerlessness

  • Suzanna Danuta Walters, 14:187.

Chase, Anthony, Law and History: The Evolution of the American Legal System

  • Larry Beeferman, 25:175.

Chester, Eric, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA

  • John Willoughby, 25:182.

Chester, Eric, True Mission

  • John Willoughby, 38:188.

Cliff, Tony, A World to Win: Life of a Revolutionary

  • Kent Worcester, 32:225.

Cliff, Tony, International Struggle and the Marxist Tradition: Selected Writings, Vol. 1

  • Kent Worcester, 32:225.

Clotfelter, Charles, After Brown: The Rise and Retreat of School Desegregation

Cobble, Dorothy Sue, The Sex of Class

Cocks, Joan, The Oppositional Imagination

  • Janet Biehl, 8:180.

Cohen, Mitchell, The Wager of Lucien Goldmann

  • Michael Löwy, 19:188.

Cohen, Stephen F. and vanden Heuvel, Katrina, Voices of Glasnost: Interviews with Gorbachev's Reformers

  • Morris Slavin, 10:193.

Cole, David, Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism

  • David Cunningham, 37:141.

Crowdus, Gary, and Dan Georgakas, The Cineaste Interviews: Filmmakers on the Art and Politics of the Cinema, Vol. 2

  • Kurt Jacobsen, 35:180.

Dahl, Robert A., How Democratic Is the American Constitution?

  • Daniel Lazare.

De Toledo, Camille, Coming of Age At The End Of History

  • Sam Waite, 46:150.

DeParle, Jason, American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation’s Drive to End Welfare

di Leonardo, Micaela, Exotics at Home

Dickerson, Dennis C., Out of the Crucible: Black Steelworkers in Western Pennsylvania, 1875-1980

  • Martin Glaberman, 4:115.

Dickstein, Morris, Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties

  • Gregory Sumner, 27:173.

Dorfman, Ariel, Heading South, Looking North: A Bilingual Journey

Dow, Mark, American Gulag

  • Si Kahn, 42:176.

Draper, Hal, Socialism from Below

  • Joel Geier, 14:191.

Drucker, Peter, Max Shachtman and His Left

  • Michael Löwy, 18:193.

Echols, Alice, Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America

  • Rikki Abzug, 11:187.

Edsall, Thomas Byrne and Mary D., Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights and Taxes on American Politics

  • Glenn Perusek, 13:189.

Ehrenberg, John, Civil Society: The Critical History of an Idea

  • Eric R. Boehme, 31:175.

Ehrenreich, Barbara, Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting By in America

Ehrenreich, Barbara, and Arlie Russell Hochschild, Global Women: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy

El Fisgón, How To Succeed At Globalization

  • Gary Martin, 39:192.

Elbaum, Max, Revolution In The Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao, and Che

  • Steve Early.

Ezorsky, Gertrude, Freedom in the Workplace?

  • Kim Moody, 44:141.

Ezorsky, Gertrude, Racism and Justice: The Case for Affirmative Action

  • James Foreman, Jr., 13:171.

Faludi, Susan, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women

  • Jennifer Scarlott, 15:184.

Fantasia, Rick, and Kim Voss, Hard Work: Remaking the American Labor Movement

  • Kristin Lawler, 39:163.

Farber, Samuel, Before Stalinism: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Democracy

  • Kent Worcester, 11:174.

Farber, Samuel, The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered

  • Larry Beeferman, 41:162.

Farber, Samuel, Social Decay and Transformation: A View from the Left

  • David Finkel, 30:182.

Feffer, John, Shock Wave: Eastern Europe After the Revolutions

  • Kent Worcester, 14:174.

Fernandez, Joseph with Underwood, John, Tales Out of School: Joseph Fernandez's Crusade to Rescue American Education

  • Peter Steinberg, 15:180.

Fine, Janice, Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream

  • Dan LaBotz, 45:120.

Fletcher, Bill, and Fernando Gapasin, Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and A New Path Toward Social Justice

  • Steve Early, 45:110.

Forman, Michael, Nationalism and the International Labor Movement: The Idea of the Nation in Socialist and Anarchist Theory

  • John Ehrenberg, 26:170.

Foss, Daniel A. and Larkin, Ralph, Beyond Revolution: A New Theory of Social Movements

  • Lance Hill, 5:182.

Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, Feminism Without Illusion: A Critique of Individualism

  • Lynn S. Chancer, 13:175.

Franklin, Stephen, Three Strikes: Labor's Heartland Losses and What They Mean for Working Americans

  • Paul Buhle, 34:154.

Freeman, Richard B. , America Works

  • Chris Tilly, 46:153.

Funk, Nanette and Muller, Madga, eds., Gender Politics and Post-Communism

  • Linda Longmire, 16:175.

Galeano, Eduardo, Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World

  • Mark Engler, 33:236.

Garfinkle, Adam, Telltale Hearts: The Origins and Impact of the Vietnam Antiwar Movement

  • Paul Joseph, 25:161.

George, Susan, Another World is Possible If . . .

  • Heather Lauren Hughes, 38:168.

Ginsberg, Benjamin, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State

  • Horst Brand, 18:201.

Gitlin, Todd, The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage

  • Thomas Harrison, 6:33.

Glaberman, Martin, Punching Out & Other Writings

  • Martin Comack, 37:183.

Goldberg, Gertrude Schaffner, and Marguerite G. Rosenthal, eds., Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-National Study of Social Provision

  • Betty Reid Mandell, 37:158.

Goldner, Loren, Herman Melville

  • Richard Clark Sterne, 41:149.

Goldwater, Barry, Conscience of a Conservative

  • Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, 45:147.

Gomy, Yosef, Zionism and the Arabs, 1882-1948

  • Norman G. Finkelstein, 5:16.

Goode, Bill, Infighting in the UAW: The 1946 Election and the Ascendancy of Walter Reuther

  • B.J. Widick, 18:213.

Gottraux, Philippe, Un Engagement Politique et Intellectuel Dans la France de L'Aprés-Guerre

  • Dominique Frager, 26:185.

Green, Hardy, On Strike at Hormel: The Struggle for a Democratic Labor Movement

  • Kim Moody, 9:176.

Hadju, David, The 10-Cent Plague

  • Kent Worcester, 46:156.

  • Hahnel, Robin, Economic Justice and Democracy

    Hamm, Mark S., The Abandoned Ones: The Imprisonment and Uprising of the Mariel Boat People,

    • Mark Dow, 22:180.

    Harris, Nigel, The New Untouchables,

    • John Palmer, 22:187.

    Heffeman, Richard and Marquesee, Mike, Defeat from the Jaws of History: Inside Kinnock's Labour Party

    • Kent Worcester, 15:191.

    Hentoff, Nat, The War on the Bill of Rights -- and the Gathering Resistance

    • Marc Karson, 37:144.

    Golin, Steve, The Newark Teacher Strikes. Hopes on the Line

    • Lois Weiner.

    Henwood, Doug, Wall Street: How It Works and For Whom

    • Christopher Rude, 25:170.

    Herrnstein, Richard and Murray, Charles, The Bell Curve

    • Stephen Steinberg, 19:183.

    Hill, Herbert, Black Labor and the American Legal System

    • Martin Glaberman, 4:115.

    Hill, Herbert and Jones, James E. Jr., eds., Race in America

    • David Roediger, 17:172.

    Hirschbiegel, Oliver, Downfall

    • Kurt Jacobsen, 40:188.

    Hitchens, Christopher, For the Sake of Argument: Essays and Minority Reports

    • Thaddens Russell, 16:172.

    Hobsbawm, Eric, Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life

    Hobsbawm, E. J., Nation and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality

    • Jennifer Scarlott, 13:183.

    Hochschild, Arlie Russell, The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work,

    Hochschild, Arlie and Machung, Anne, The Second Shift: Working Parents and the Revolution at Home

    • Rikki Abzug, 9:172.

    Hoerr, John, And the Wolf Finally Came: The Decline of American Steel

    • Paul Garver, 7:177.

    Holloway, John, Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today

    • Michael Löwy, 35:177.

    Holmstrom, Nancy, The Socialist Feminist Project: A Contemporary Reader in Theory and Politics

    Hook, Sidney, Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century

    • S. A. Longstaff, 4:212.

    Hornblum, Allen M., Acres of Skin: Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison: A True Story of Abuse and Exploitation in the Name of Medical Science

    • Mark Dow, 26:167.

    Jacoby, Russell, Picture Imperfect

    • Michael Lowy, 41:173.

    James, C.L.R., World Revolution 1917-1936

    • Kent Worcester, 17:182.

    Johnson, Benjamin, et al., Steal This University: The Rise of the Corporate University and the Academic Labor Movement

    • Paul Burkett, 39:187.

    Jonas, Gilbert, Freedom's Sword

    • Immanuel Wallerstein, 41:139.

    Judis, John, The Follow of Empire

    • Jack Stuart, 38:165.

    Judt, Tony, Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals, 1944-1956

    • Mark Kesselman, 17:184.

    Jumonveil, Neil, Henry Steele Commager: Midcentury Liberalism and the History of the Present

    • Michael Wreszin, 27:176.

    Kahlenberg, Richard D., Tough Liberal: Albert Shanker and the Battles Over Schools, Unions, Race, and Democracy

    Kaldor, Mary, The Imaginary War: Understanding the East-West Conflict

    • David McReynolds, 11:178.

    Katznelson, Ira, When Affirmative Action was White

    • Reginald Wilson, 41:142.

    Kavan, Rosemary, Love and Freedom

    • Phyllis Jacobson, 6:181.

    Kaye, Harvey, Thomas Paine and the Promise of America

    • Robin Ganev, 41:145.

    Kaye, Harvey J. and McClelland, Keith, (eds.), E. P. Thompson: Critical Perspectives

    • James D. Young, 11:166.

    Kelley, Robin D. G., Race Rebels: Culture, Politics and the Black Working Class, Grant Farred,

    • 21:191.

    Kelly, Daniel, James Burnham and the Struggle for the World: A Life

    • Kent Worcester.

    Kessler, Mario, On Anti-Semitism and Socialism

    Kollisch, Eva, Girl in Movement

    • Marvin Mandell, 31:188.

    Kollisch, Eva, The Ground Under My Feet

    • Patricia Grossman, 45:116.

    Lavaca Collective, Sin Patron

    • Michael Busch, 45:97.

    Koonz, Claudia, The Nazi Conscience

    • Horst Brand, 41:168.

    Kozol, Jonathan, Savage Inequalities

    • Dianne Finger, 13:186.

    Kraus, Henry, Heroes of Unwritten History: The UAW 1934-1939

    • B.J. Widick, 18:213.

    Kristol, Irving, Neoconservativism: Autobiography of an Idea,

    Kurzweil, Ray, The Singularity is Near

    • Mel Bienenfeld, 41:181.

    Kushner, Tony, and Alisa Solomon, Wrestling with Zion

    • Jason Schulman, 38:171.

    La Botz, Dan, Mask of Democracy: Labor Suppression in Mexico Today

    • Curtis Skinner, 14:179.

    Labor, Earle, et al. (eds.), The Letters of Jack London

    • Virgil Vogel, 9:187.

    La Botz, Dan, Rank and File Rebellion: Teamsters for a Democratic Union

    • Burt Hall, 11:190.

    LaHaye, Tim, and Jerry B. Jenkins, The Left Behind series

    • Jackie Dee King, 43:131.

    Laskin, David, Partisans: Marriage, Politics, and Betrayal Among the New York Intellectuals

    • Michael Wreszin, 31:184.

    Lazare, Daniel, The Velvet Coup: The Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the Decline of American Democracy

    • Kim, Helen, 32:221.

    Le Blanc, Paul, Lenin and the Revolutionary Party

    • Morris, Slavin, 16:179.

    Lemisch, Jesse, Jack Tar vs. John Bull: The Role of New York's Seamen in Precipitating the Revolution

    • Jonanthan Birnbaum, 25:166.

    Leonard, John, Smoke and Mirrors: Violence, Television and Other American Cultures,

    Levy, Peter B. The New Left and Labor in the 1960s

    • Paul Buhle, 18:180.

    Lichtenstein, Nelson, State Of The Union: A Century Of American Labor

    • Maggie Dickinson, 36:166.

    Lichtenstein, Nelson, American Capitalism: Social Thought and Political Economy in the Twentieth Century

    • James Gilbert, 43:153.

    Lind, Michael, The Next American Nation: The New Nationalism and the Fourth American Revolution,

    Lipset, Seymour Martin, and Gary Marks, It Didn't Happen Here: Why Socialism Failed in the United States

    • Nelson Lichtenstein.

    Lipsitz, George, Rainbow at Midnight: Labor and Culture in the 1940s

    • David Roediger, 19:191.

    Loeb, Paul Rogat, Generation at the Crossroads

    Lukas, J. Anthony, Big Trouble: A Murder in a Small Western Town Sets Off a Struggle for the Soul of America

    Luke, Timothy W., Shows of Force

    • Samara Talkin, 16:184.

    Lynd, Staughton, Living Inside Our Hope: A Steadfast Radical's Thoughts on Rebuilding the Movement

    • Gregory D. Sumner, 25:151.

    Marable, Manning, Beyond Black and White,

    • William Mosley, 22:183.

    Marcos, Speed and Dreams

    • Robert Joe Stout, 46:136.

    Marik, Soma, Reinterrogating the Classical Marxist Discourses of Revolutionary Democracy

    • Paul Le Blanc, 46:128.

    Mateus, Rui, Contos Proibidos. Memorias de um PS Desconhecido,

    • Loren Goldner, 22:189.

    Matgamna, Sean, ed. The Fate of the Russian Revolution, Lost Texts of Critical Marxism, Vol. 1

    • Barry Finger, 26:180.

    Mattson, Kevin, Intellectuals in Action: The Origins of the New Left and Radical Liberalism, 1945-1970

    • Dan Geary, 34:160.

    Mazarr, Michael J., Unmodern Men in the Modern World: Radical Islam, Terrorism, and the War on Modernity

    • Louis F. Cooper, 45:107.

    McDonagh, Eileen, and Laura Pappano, Playing with the Boys: Why Separate is Not Equal in Sports

    • Amy Littlefield, 45:123.

    McGruder, Aaron, A Right To Be Hostile: The Boondocks Treasury

    • Brian Keizer, 37:179.

    McKenney, Ruth, Industrial Valley

    • George W. Brooks, 14:189.

    McMillian, John, and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited

    • Kristin Lawler, 36:170.

    Meddeb, Abdelwahab, The Malady of Islam

    • Marvin Mandell, 36:178.

    Meeropol, Michael, Surrender: How the Clinton Administration Completed the Reagan Revolution

    • Joanne Landy, 27:182.

    Meier, August and Rudwick, Elliott, Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW

    • Martin Glaberman, 4:115.

    Mellen, Joan, Hellman and Hammett,

    Mertus, Julie, Bait and Switch

    • John Feffer, 38:162.

    Miliband, Ralph, Socialism for a Sceptical Age

    • Horst Brand, 20:188.

    Mills, Kathryn, with Pamela Mills, eds., C. Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings,

    • Dan Geary, 29:186

    Milne, David, America’s Rasputin: Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War

    • Louis F. Cooper, 46:142.

    Montgomery David, The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925

    • Joseph White, 5:176.

    Moody, Kim, An Injury to All: The Decline of American Unionism

    • Burt Hall, 7:182.

    Moody, Kim, U.S. Labor in Trouble and Transition

    • Manfred McDowell, 44:148.

    Moody, Kim, Workers in a Lean World: Unions in the International Economy

    • Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello, 25:146.

    Moore, Carlos, Castro, The Blacks and Africa

    • Samuel Farber, 9:193.

    Morris, Earl, Director, The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

    • Kurt Jacobsen, 37:186.

    Muraskin, Bennett, Let Justice Well Up Like Water

    • Jason Schulman, 38:171.

    Murolo, Priscilla, and A. B. Chitty, From the Folks Who Gave You the Weekend: A Short, Illustrated History of Labor in the United States

    • Paul Buhle, 34:154.

    Murphy, Kevin, Revolution and Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory

    • John Eric Marot, 39:175.

    Nelson, H. Viscount "Berky", The Rise and Fall of Modern Black Leadership: Chronicle of a Twentieth Century Tragedy

    • Michael Wreszin, 37:147.

    Ness, Immanuel, and Stuart Eimer, eds., Central Labor Councils and the Revival of American Unionism: Organizing for Justice in Our Communities

    • Paul Buhle, 34:154.

    Nevins, J., Dying To Live

    • Robert Joe Stout, 46:136.

    O'Connor, Jessie Lloyd and Harvey, and Bowler, Susan M., Harvey and Jessie: A Couple of Radicals

    • Virgil Vogel, 6:177.

    Ogletree, Charles J. Jr., All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on the First Half Century of Brown v. Board of Education

    Oppenheimer, Martin, The State in Modern Society

    • Samuel farber, 30:187.

    Orenstein, Peggy, Schoolgirls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap

    • Jennifer Scarlott, 19:186.

    Paxton, Robert, The Anatomy of Fascism

    • Horst Brand, 39:181.

    Pelton, Robert Young, Licensed to Kill

    • Michael Busch, 43:157.

    Perusek, Glenn, and Worcester, Kent, eds., Trade Union Politics

    • Paul Buhle, 20:195.

    Phelps, Christopher, Young Sidney Hook: Marxist and Pragmatist

    Philipsen, Dirk, We Were the People

    • William A. Pelz, 16:187.

    Pinto, Constâncio and Jardine, Matthew, East Timor's Unfinished Struggle: Inside the Timorese Resistance,

    • Stephen Shalom, 24:188.

    Pirani, Simon, The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24

    • Paul Le Blanc, 46:128.

    Pollitt, Katha, Reasonable Creatures: Essays on Women and Feminism,

    Postone, Moishe, Time, Labor and Social Domination

    • Loren Goldner, 41:175.

    Rachleff, Peter, Hard-Pressed in the Heartland: The Hormel Strike and the Future of the Labor Movement

    • Paul Buhle, 18:180.

    Radosh, Ronald, and Allis Radosh, Red Star Over Hollywood: The Film Colony’s Long Romance with the Left

    • Michael Wreszin, 42:186.

    Rajiva, Lila, The Language of Empire

    • Lisa Lynch, 41:156.

    Rall, Ted, Attitude 1 & 2

    • Roger Sabin, 39:190.

    Ramirez, G., The Fire and Word

    • Robert Joe Stout, 46:136.

    Rancière, Jacques, The Philosopher and His Poor

    • Milton Fisk, 40:180.

    Reed, Adolph Jr., W.E.B. DuBois and American Political Thought: Fabianism and the Color Line

    • Dean Robinson, 25:154.

    Remnick, David, Lenin's Tomb The Last Days of the Soviet Empire

    • Morris Slavin, 16:179.

    Robinson, Randall, An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President

    Rosemont, Franklin, Joe Hill: The IWW and the Making of a Revolutionary Working-class Counterculture

    • David Roediger, 36:164.

    Rosemont, Penelope, ed., Surrealist Women: An International Anthology

    • David Roediger, 26:173.

    Ross, Andrew, No Respect: Intellectuals and Popular Culture

    • Kent Worcester, 9:167.

    Rosset, Peter, Raj Patel, and Michael Courville, Promised Land

    • Ashley Dawson, 44:145.

    Rowe, David E., and Robert Schulmann, Einstein's Politics

    • Jerold Touger, 44:136.

    Sassen, Saskia, Globalization and its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money

    Satrapi, Marjane, Persepolis

    • Anis Shivani, 35:183.

    Scharpf, Fritz W., Crisis in European Social Democracy

    • Horst Brand, 14:182.

    Schiavone, Michael, Unions in Crisis? The Future of Organized Labor in America

    • Kim Moody, 45:138.

    Schrecker, Ellen, The Misuse of History After the Fall of Communism

    • Michael Wreszin, 40:184.

    Seidman, Michael, Workers Against Work

    • Curtis Price, 18:216.

    Seyd, Patrick, The Rise and Fall of the Labour Left

    • Bernard Crick, 5:159.

    Shostak, Arthur B., Robust Unionism: Innovations in the Labor Movement

    • Burt Hall, 11:190.

    Sidel, Ruth, Battling Bias

    Sidel, Ruth, On Her Own: Growing Up in the Shadow of the American Dream

    • Rikki Abzug, 9:172.

    Singer, Daniel, Is Socialism Doomed? The Meaning of Mitterrand

    • Stanley Aronowitz, 6:171.

    Singer, Peter, Ethics into Action: Henry Spira and the Animal Rights Movement

    • Kent Worcester, 26:176.

    Small, Mario Luis, Villa Victoria

    Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society

    Socialism Since 1889: A Biographical History

    • Joseph White, 9:183.

    Sokal, Alan, Beyond the Hoax

    Sontag, Susan, AIDS and Its Metaphors

    • Scott McLemee, 7:170.

    Sowell, Thomas, Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas

    • Harvey J. Kaye, 15:187.

    Spannos, Chris, Real Utopia

    Steady, Filomena Chioma, Women and Children First

    • Linda Longmire, 18:206.

    Steinberg, Stephen, Race Relations: A Critique

    • Sundiata Cha-Jua, 45:102.

    Steinberg, Stephen, Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial Justice in American Thought and Policy

    • Barry Goldberg, 20:67.

    Steinem, Gloria, Revolution From Within

    • Jennifer Scarlott, 15:184.

    Stepan-Norris, Judith & Maurice Zeitlin, Left Out: Reds And America's Industrial Unions

    • Nelson Lichtenstein, 36:154.

    Sternhell, Zeev, with Mario Sznajder and Maia Asheri, The Birth of Fascist Ideology

    • Ernest Erber, 18:188.

    Strango, Paul, Keeper of the Faith: A Biography of Jim Cairns

    • Lev Lafayette, 37:176.

    Sumner, Gregory D., Dwight Macdonald and the Politics Circle: The Challenge of Cosmopolitan Democracy,

    Teresi, Dick, Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science — From the Babylonians to the Mayans

    Thompson, Michael, Islam and the West

    • Gregory Zucker, 38:174.

    Tokar, Brian, Earth for Sale: Reclaiming Ecology in the Age of Corporate Greenwash,

    • Lorna Salzman, 24:178.

    Trotter, Joe William Jr., Black Milwaukee: the Making of an Industrial Proletariat, 1915-1945

    • Martin Glaberman, 4:115.

    Turner, Lowell, Harry C. Katz and Richard W. Hurd, eds. Rekindling the Movement: Labor's Quest for Relevance in the 21st Century

    • Paul Buhle, 34:154.

    Virtue, John, South of the Color Barrier: How Jorge Pasquel and the Mexican League Pushed Baseball Toward Racial Integration

    • Bill Littlefield, 45:126.

    Warren, Frank, Noble Abstractions

    • Christopher Phelps, 28:174.

    Weir, Stan, Singlejack Solidarity

    • Staughton Lynd, 38:178.

    Weissman, Susan, Victor Serge: The Course Is Set on Hope

    • Richard Greeman, 34: .

    White, Joseph, Tom Mann

    • Kent Worcester, 13:192.

    Wilcox, Leonard, V. F. Calverton: Radical in the American Grain

    • Christopher Phelps, 16:167.

    Williams, Yohuru, Black Politics/White Power, Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Black Panthers in New Haven

    Wisotsky, Steven, Beyond the War on Drugs

    • Phillip Smith, 11:162.

    Wittner, Lawrence, Resisting the Bomb: A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1954-70

    • Paul Joseph, 25:161.

    Wohlforth, Tim, The Prophet's Children

    • Arthur Maglin, 20:182.

    Yakovlev, Alexander N., A Century Of Violence In Soviet Russia

    • Ernest Erber, 36:182.

    Young, James D., The Very Bastards of Creation: Scottish International Radicalism,

    Young, James, The World Of C.L.R. James: The Unfragmented Vision

    • Paul Buhle, 36:175.

    Young, James D., Socialism and the English Working Class

    • Joseph White, 9:183.

    Young, James P., John Maclean-Clydeside Socialist

    • Raymond Challinor, 16:178.

    Young , Melissa, and Mark Dworkin, Argentina: Hope in Hard Times

    • Sean Cain, 40:186.

    Zeiger, Robert, For Jobs And Freedom

    • Michael Wrezsin, 46:145.

    Zinn, Howard, Dana Frank, and Robin D. G. Kelley, Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls and the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century

    • Paul Buhle, 34:154.

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