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About New Politics
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About New Politics

New Politics, published since 1986 as a semi-annual, follows in the tradition established in its first series (1961-1978) as an independent socialist forum for dialogue and debate on the left. It is committed to the advancement of the peace and anti-intervention movements. It stands in opposition to all forms of imperialism, and is uncompromising in its defense of feminism and affirmative action. In our pages there is broad coverage of labor and social movements, the international scene, as well as emphasis on cultural and intellectual history.

Above all, New Politics insists on the centrality of democracy to socialism and on the need to rely on mass movements from below for progressive social transformation.

Why We Publish

These are critical times. Not since before the New Deal have working people in this country been so vulnerable, and perhaps never before has the right been so influential and self-confident. Abroad, U.S. military and corporate power embraces the world in a stranglehold.

There are hopeful signs: the leftward shift in Latin American politics, the inspiring struggles of French students and workers, the growing, fierce resistance in China, to mention a few. But too often the major opposition to a U.S. imperium has been dictatorship or the politics of reactionary religious fundamentalism.

And here in the U.S., there have been some encouraging developments: massive marches against the Iraq war, the unprecedented immigrant rights movement, and Bush's growing unpopularity despite the timidity of the Democrats. Yet the left is too organizationally and intellectually weak to seriously challenge the Establishment.

New Politics seeks to help revitalize the left. The magazine offers ideas and strategies, not set down in advance as a "line," but generated through discussion and analysis from a radical, democratic, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist standpoint. Within these broad parameters, NP welcomes debate. NP is not attached or subordinated to any political party or institution. We stand for popular empowerment and democratic control at every level, opposition to all forms of authoritarianism, no matter how "leftist" their rhetoric -- in short, a politics from below.

During the Cold War, NP was a beacon of principled socialist clarity. It tirelessly exposed the lie that identified the socialist legacy with Communist states, and published Soviet-bloc democratic dissidents. NP championed the struggles of the 60s and 70s movements against the Vietnam War and U.S. intervention in Central America, for women's and black liberation, for union democracy and affirmative action. We have firmly defended the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis to self-determination and security.

Since the Cold War, we have spoken out against the "shock therapy" that devastated former Soviet societies and against the first Gulf War, as well as the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.

NP has been inspired throughout by the vision of a "third camp"; during the Cold War it meant "Neither Washington nor Moscow"; today it means opposing Washington's imperial aggression while making no apologies for its antagonists when they are anti-democratic, be they Milosevic, Saddam Hussein or authoritarian religious fundamentalists.

Today, surveying the bleak political landscape, especially in the U.S., some argue that the left should trim its sails and be modest in its ambitions. We dare not do this. Not caution, but bold and imaginative radicalism Is needed.

The aim of NP is to do whatever a magazine can do to help transform popular struggles for peace, social justice and freedom of cultural expression into an intelligent movement for a democratic, just and peaceful world.

Founding Editors
Julius Jacobson (1922-2003) Phyllis Jacobson

Editorial Board
Sam Bottone Betty Reid Mandell, co-editor
Gertrude Ezorsky Marvin Mandell, co-editor
Barry Finger Scott McLemee
Thomas Harrison Jason Schulman
Michael Hirsch Stephen R. Shalom
Dan La Botz Lois Weiner
Joanne Landy Reginald Wilson
Julia Wrigley

Stanley Aronowitz William Kornblum
Derrick Bell Jesse Lemisch
Elaine Bernard Nelson Lichtenstein
Jon Bloom Ravi Malhotra
Stephen Eric Bronner David McReynolds
Mari Jo Buhle Deborah Meier
Paul Buhle Gwendolyn Mink
Lorraine Cohen Kim Moody
Noam Chomsky Kai Nielsen
Bogdan Denitch Martin Oppenheimer
Michael Eric Dyson Frances Fox Piven
Barbara Ehrenreich Nancy Romer
Barbara Epstein Ronnie Steinberg
Sam Farber Stephen Steinberg
David Finkel Amos Vogel
Barbara Garson Peter Waterman
Allen Graubard Stuart Weir
Richard Greeman Cornel West
Justin Grossman Howard Zinn

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