ALAN JOHNSON is the co-editor of New Politics.
There is taking place a triangular struggle for the world. Three responses to the ending of "the short twentieth century" and its political and economic architecture. Three attempts to control the full throttle celerity of late capitalism and make something solid from the melting air of the 21st century.
The first,
emergent for over a century but unleashed since the end of the Cold War, is the United States of
America. The U.S. is now the world's hyperpower with a grand strategy to reshape global
political and economic relations in its favor and in the interests of global capital. The second --
which cannot be reduced to mere "blowback" -- is an entirely reactionary and frequently
terroristic Jihad fundamentalism seeking the defeat of the "infidel" world of women's rights,
democracy, secularism, sexual self-determination and individual liberty. These two forces crashed
into each other, with the al-Qaeda terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent
U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The turbulence has capsized parts of the left. To right itself
the left needs to turn toward the perspective of a "third camp": the burgeoning global working
class leading the progressive social movements of global civil society. During the Cold War the
third camp opposed both Russia and the U.S. in the name of all the democratic forces struggling
for peace and democracy. The contemporary meaning of third camp socialism is the refusal to be
enlisted into some new "Great Contest" as cheerleader or critical supporter of either reactionary
camp, and the elaboration of a positive and practical political alternative to both.
Third camp
socialism will not survive as a merely negative critique but only as a rounded political program
developed alongside progressive social and political movements. Its partisans seek to inform,
organize and "revolutionize" -- i.e., help free from the muck of ages and make fit for power -- the
third camp of the organized working class and global civil society. To do that we need political
clarity about the character and strength of the two reactionary forces we face.
THE U.S. IS NOT A MERE GLOBOCOP policing the natural growth of global "free trade imperialism," ironing out the smooth space of a new form of sovereignty. That is indeed part of the picture but so too is the deliberate and unilateral assertion of U.S. power and interest. To use the terms coined by James Fallows in Atlantic Monthly, and fleshed out recently by Alex Callinicos in International Socialism, we are witnessing the implementation of the Grand Strategy of U.S. imperialism: a self-conscious and global political project marked by a combination of pessimism, optimism, and impatience.
pessimism: the architects of the U.S. Grand Strategy fear the longer-term emergence of
competitors, particularly populous China but also Europe and Russia. Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy
Defense Secretary, has laughed at the idea of an "End of History," warning that China today can
be compared to Germany at the end of the nineteenth century, "a country that felt it had been
denied its ‘place in the sun,' that believed itself mistreated by the other powers, and that
determined to achieve its rightful place by nationalistic assertiveness." The Project for the New
American Century (with which Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Bolton were associated during
the Clinton era) warned in 2000 of "potential powerful states dissatisfied with the current
situation" and called for the elaboration of a "grand strategy [to] preserve America's
advantageous position as far into the future as possible." Their ideas about what that "grand
strategy" should be are now the common currency of the Bush White House.
optimism: After the defeat of the "evil empire," the swift dispatch of the Milosevic, Taliban,
and Saddam Hussein regimes, and armed with Rumsfeld's "Revolution in Military Affairs," the
unprecedented superiority of U.S. military force -- U.S. military expenditure exceeds that of the
combined total of the nine next-biggest powers -- means America feels itself to be, for
now, invincible.
impatience: it would be ridiculous to dismiss the impact on U.S. foreign policy of the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, or to dismiss the very real threat posed by al-Qaeda. I see
no reason to think Paul Wolfowitz is just making it up when he says to Sam Tannenhaus of
Vanity Fair that he concluded by 9/13 that 9/11 was
just the beginning of what these bastards can do if they start getting access to so-called modern weapons, and that it's not something you can live with any longer. So there needs to be a campaign, a strategy, a long-term effort, to root out these networks and to get governments out of the business of supporting them.
Part of the
picture is indeed a real attempt to destroy al-Qaeda, its bases, and its supporters. But it would be
naïve to imagine that that is all Wolfowitz or Bush concluded by 9/13. It was not just the
events of 9/11 but the combination of long term geo-strategic pessimism and short-term politico-
military optimism that led George W. Bush to step up to the podium and announce "an entirely
fresh doctrine of pre-emptive action" to the cheers of his West Point audience on June 1, 2002.
His strategists perceive a window of opportunity in which the climate of fear created by 9/11 can
be used as cover to assert the unilateral power of the United States to reshape the world so that
no rival can climb into the U.S. weight class.
Paul Rogers,
writing on the openDemocracy website (, has observed that this strategy requires a more genuinely global
disposition of U.S. military force:
The aim . . . is to have the ability, when required, to operate in any of the zones of potential threat, taking vigorous pre-emptive action, mostly by using air power, the marines and special forces. This would enable the U.S. to destroy any threats, whether from unacceptable regimes or paramilitary groups.
The Bush
administration's reaction to 9/11 certainly included this element of Machiavellian calculation,
Rumsfeld playing the part of the Florentine secretary. On September 4, 2002, CBS aired an
Evening News story (ignored of course) in which CBS journalist David Martin said "Barely five
hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, the Secretary of Defense was
telling his aides to start thinking about striking Iraq, even though there was no evidence linking
Saddam Hussein to the attacks." CBS alleged that an aide noted that Rumsfeld demanded the
"best info fast" so he could "judge whether good enough to hit S[addam] H[ussein] at the same
time, not only U [Osama] B[in] L[aden]." The aide's notes quote Rumsfeld as insisting the White
House "go massive . . . sweep it all up, things related and not." Former general Wesley Clark,
speaking on Meet the Press on June 15, confirmed there was a drive to exploit 9/11
for the purposes of a wider imperial game.
CLARK: There was a concerted effort during the fall of 2001, starting immediately after 9/11, to pin 9/11 and the terrorism problem on Saddam Hussein.TIM RUSSERT: By who? Who did that?
CLARK: Well, it came from the White House, it came from people around the White House. It came from all over. I got a call on 9/11. I was on CNN, and I got a call from my home, saying "You've got to say this is connected. This is state-sponsored terrorism. This has got to be connected to Saddam Hussein. I said, "But -- I'm willing to say it, but what's your evidence?" And I never got any evidence.
The short time-
frame of the Grand Strategy drives the impatience of the U.S.-Gulliver with the Lilliputian strings
of the international legal order, revealed dramatically in the sidelining of the UN before the Iraq
war. The preservation of U.S. geo-political pre-eminence into the long range future, the creation
of a global "smooth space" for free trade, requires the unilateral assertion, in the short-term, of
U.S. military power. Hence the contempt for the United Nations shown by John Bolton, Under-
Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Affairs. "There is no such thing as the
United Nations. There is an international community that can be led by the only real power left in
the world, and that is the United States, when it suits our interests and when we can get others to
go along." Going one better, Condoleezza Rice dismissed the very idea of an international
community as "illusory."
The war on
terror leads a double-life: now a response to the Jihadi fundamentalists, now a cover for the wider
Grand Strategy. The hinge concepts of "humanitarian intervention," "nation-building," and
"weapons of mass destruction" connect the two.
CONSERVATIZED BY 9/11, paralysed by the rise of the Islamists, fearful for the very survival of liberty and reason, and no longer convinced of the viability of a third camp alternative, elements of the left have decided, just like an earlier generation, to "Choose The West!" Christopher Hitchens, one-time literary jewel of the leftist intelligentsia, certainly one of the most gifted essayists of the twentieth century, is now a critical supporter of the Bush administration on the question of the war in Iraq.
A new
collection of his pro-war journalism, Regime Change, demonstrates that his talent for
skewering an opponent for hypocrisy or mendacity and slowly turning the spit is undiminished. To
the French sophisticate (or sniffy Clintonite), quick to condemn Bush's response to 9/11 as that of
a "cowboy," Hitchens has this to say:
To have had three planeloads of kidnapped civilians crashed into urban centers might have brought out a touch of the cowboy even in Adlai Stevenson. But Bush waited almost five weeks before launching any sort of retaliatory strike. And we have impressive agreement among all sources to the effect that he spent much of that time in consultation. A cowboy surely would have wanted to do something dramatic and impulsive (such as to blow up at least an aspirin factory in Sudan) in order to beat the chest and show he wasn't to be messed with. But it turns out that refined Parisians are keener on such "unilateral" gestures -- putting a bomb on board the Rainbow Warrior, invading Rwanda on the side of the killers, dispatching French troops to the Ivory Coast without a by-your-leave, building a reactor for Saddam Hussein, and all the rest of it.
exposes Chirac's hypocrisy to good effect but as a subordinate moment in his attorney's defense
of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. He lampoons the idea that they are cowboys in order to hide the
fact that they are warriors.
Why has
Hitchens lost his political bearings? One senses a real anguish underneath the insouciant surface of
Regime Change. Do not forget, Hitchens has been a man of the left for forty
years. His political odyssey of recent times no doubt has many roots and his was
increasingly an idiosyncratic contrarianism rather than a coherent left-wing politics. But part of
the picture is surely a question of his own personal "blowback": a [gross over-] reaction to the
recent decay of parts of the left. One gains the impression that faced with the amoral don't-
bother-me-about-the-Iraqis-or-Kurds chauvinism, summed up in the popular anti-war slogan,
"Leave Iraq Alone!" (how can a left worth the name utter such a thought about a totalitarian
state?), he just had enough. Confronted by an anti-war movement that hoisted onto its leading
platforms a man like the British MP George Galloway, Hitchens just threw up.
An ex-old style
Stalinist, and long-time political ally and personal friend of leading figures in the Saddam regime,
in January 1994 Galloway appeared on Iraqi Television before the butcher of the Iraqis and the
Kurds, the invader of Iran and Kuwait, the Baghdad Hitler, and he genuflected: "Sir .
. . we salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability . . . We are with you. Until victory!
Until Jerusalem!" Galloway spent Christmas as the houseguest of Saddam's No. 2, Tariq Aziz.
Did any of this create a storm within the anti-war movement? Barely a ripple.
Hitchens has
been made mad by this decayed left as much as by the decay of his own hopes. And, like another
madman, he can find no resting place as he "leaves his village to seek his spirit's home in exile," as
Harold Bloom said of Cervantes's Don Quixote. Hitchens may yet make that long trudge of
despair all the way over to the neo-conservative right in part because, like Quixote, he spurns the
reality principle in favor of a heroic quest.
Embracing the
U.S. Grand Strategy as his own Hitchens regales his readers, each of us cast as Sancho Panza,
with the idea that the war on terror is not just humanitarian and progressive but even
revolutionary. Apparently the Pentagon is leading (or could be persuaded, by people like Quixote-
Hitchens, to lead) a "revolution from above." He explains this is "what the colonial idealists used
to call ‘the civilizing mission': everything from the education system to the roads. Nobody should
underestimate for a second what the magnitude of the task is."
Ah, the old
"revolution from above." Now we have been around this track before. Hitchens may not know it
but he has (to move from a literary to a political fantasist) donned the clothes of the late historian
and writer Isaac Deutscher (more about those clothes in a moment). After the Second World
War, Deutscher would have preferred a revolution from below in Eastern Europe but he educated
a generation to settle for being critical supporters of Stalin's totalitarian substitute. He wrote,
"The revolution which Stalin now carried into Eastern and Central Europe was primarily a
revolution from above. It was decreed, inspired, and managed by the great power predominant in
that area." Today Hitchens would prefer a revolution from below across the Middle East but he is
educating his reader to view the unilateral assertion of U.S. military power as an acceptable
substitute, ignoring the fact that this power works to extinguish any hope of revolution from
Hitchens is fond
of classical and literary allusions. In clothing himself in the raiments of "revolution from above,"
has he not put upon his back a Shirt of Nessus? In the Greek legend the shirt soaked by Deianeira
with the poisonous blood of the centaur Nessus was placed on the back of her husband Heracles.
So excruciating was the pain, Heracles had himself burnt on a funeral pyre. Having opted for the
poison of "revolution from above" Hitchens' political self-immolation has already
begun. Of the 20th century crimes of U.S. imperialism (and he so recently their chronicler!) all he
can now muster is the pathetic line that the U.S. "wasn't exactly free of blemish or shame."
HITCHENS MAY OBJECT that he could yet be proved right. Could the U.S.-UK establish a free, democratic, and prosperous Iraq and then spread that model throughout the Middle East? If it could it would have been progressive in a way Deutscher's Russia never was. There are two responses one can give to this question. First, even if one thought Hitchens' judgement sound (which I do not) there would still be no good reason to preach trust in Bush and Blair. The work of the left is to help prepare the third camp to go beyond any limited bits of progress (tied to dependence) L. Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator of Iraq, can bring. That means combining a fierce political independence from the occupation forces with urgent practical solidarity with the beginnings of a third camp in Iraq (see the statements which follow this article).
Second, anyone
who has been soberly tracking the occupation will be aware of how fantastic Hitchens' portrait of
a "civilizing mission" is. Power outages occur several times a day (though southern Shia farmers
who could irrigate their fields for only one hour a day under the Sunni-dominated regime of
Saddam now get twelve hours of supply per day, according to Jason Burke of the London
Observer July 6, 2003). Sewage systems are backed up into streets that fill with
waste. There has been a surge in violent crime throughout Iraq (though the 40,000 criminals
released by Saddam as war began are a key factor). As of June 30, 22 American soldiers had been
killed in combat in Iraq since President Bush declared on May 1 that major combat operations
were over. Six British soldiers died on June 24 alone. Potential investors are being told the
chances of the country sliding into open revolt are about even (though this seems unlikely as the
violent resistance is largely confined to the Sunni triangle to the north and northwest of Baghdad,
Saddam's tribal and political base).
The organized
sabotage and arson by Baathists of Iraq's infrastructure -- oil pipelines, electricity systems, a
liquid natural gas plant, even, it seems likely, the weather station at Baghdad international airport
-- is certainly taking its toll. This report in the New York Times of July 1 is
In a junkyard in the Sheik Omar neighborhood in eastern Baghdad, a warehouse full of second-hand spare parts for the city's electrical system was on fire. On Saturday, men who work in and around the junkyard said today, another warehouse had burned. The workers said that on both occasions four or five men, heavily armed, had arrived in a Land Cruiser and set the warehouses on fire.
Rumors of the
formation of a loose network of Saddam supporters, named "Return," and threats to cut out the
tongues of collaborators are also a factor. There is reason to take these rumors seriously. The
manager of power distribution for half of Baghdad, Haifa Aziz Daoud, a mother of five, was
killed in her home on June 25.
But nation-
building from above and outside cannot unleash the one force able to resist the Baathist sabotage
and death squads. The occupiers have capped the democratic hopes of the Iraqi people
along with the burning oil wells.
There is a
widespread celebration of Saddam's overthrow and a near-universal desire for elections and a
rapid transition to self-rule. But an election for the Mayor of Najaf -- prepared in an atmosphere
of local jubilation -- was summarily cancelled by Bremer on the grounds that the people would not
have voted the right way (prompting an unnamed American military officer to comment "We
should've had this election. What are we telling them?"). The broadsheet newspaper, As-
Saah, ran the headline "Bremer is a Baathist" (June 18) in reaction to his censorship of the
media. Bremer's edict bans the media from "inciting violence" not only against any "individuals or
group including racial, ethnic, religious groups and women" but also "against coalition forces."
NGOs are being pressured to become "an arm of the U.S. government" by threats from Andrew
Natsios, the head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, and by fatuous attacks from
the corporate-funded witch-hunting Yahoos over at the American Enterprise Institute (the
intention clearly being to separate the NGOs from the global anti-war movement). Iraq's leading
Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has opposed the U.S. plan to impose a constitutional
convention, calling for general elections, a constitutional assembly, and a referendum on a draft
constitution. All of which is Democracy 101 of course (and shows that the left should not imagine
all Shias are Khomeini-ite fundamentalists).
Bremer is plowing ahead with a neo-liberal economic blueprint for Iraq centered on the
privatization of state-owned assets and companies and economic deregulation. Unemployment
will sharply increase. But there is to be no welfare state. Only a bare "social safety net," says
Bremer (New York Times, June 23, 2003). No assembly of the Iraqi people has
decided on this economic and social program. It is being imposed without Iraqi agreement by the
U.S. occupation forces and largely to the benefit of U.S. companies: the vassalization of Iraq.
Without democracy the forces of liberation, ipso facto, become forces of colonization.
Hitchens may
dream of a "civilizing mission" but it is the long shadow of Da Nang and McNamara which is cast
by two recent press reports. First, USA Today (June 18, 2003) notes that "Two top
U.S. defense officials (Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Marine General Peter Pace)
signaled Congress on Wednesday that U.S. forces might remain in Iraq for as long as a decade
and that permanent facilities need to be built to house them there." Second, Reuters (June 21,
2003) reports that "U.S. Troops psyched up on a bizarre musical reprise from Vietnam war film
Apocalypse Now before crashing into Iraqi homes to hunt gunmen on Saturday."
They were playing Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.
THE TRAGEDY unfolding in Iraq is not due to a lack of resources nor to the absence of advance planning by the Pentagon (though the latter does beggar belief: such a big agency, such a lack of intelligence). Rather, we are witnessing only the latest and most visible expression of the inherent limits of nation-building from above and from outside. Paul Rogers points out that the neo-conservatives' basic assumption, "that a ‘threat' can be dealt with in a rapid military operation, to be replaced by the early imposition of a benign peace [is] deeply flawed."
To understand
why this is the case we can turn to Michael Ignatieff's useful little book Empire Lite: Nation
Building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Ignatieff is a supporter of "humanitarian
interventionism" and so his portrait of the shocking record of nation-building is all the more
Ignatieff spends
a lot of time out in the world and is clear-sighted about U.S. objectives, which makes him a more
useful source than Hitchens. He bluntly points out that the U.S. uses military force "for imperial
reasons: to consolidate its global hegemony, to assert and maintain its leadership, and to ensure
stability." The result is a "new imperialism" that is "creating a form of sub-sovereignty, in which
states exercise sovereignty in name without real independence in fact as formal or informal
protectorates of the great powers."
Writing before
the invasion of Iraq, Ignatieff saw the approaching war in these terms: "its goals are imperial . . .
to wipe out the leader of Arab rejectionism and to go on to reorder the political map of the
Middle East on American terms." In fact, after apologizing to his U.S. readers, he points out that
"America's entire war on terror is an exercise in Imperialism . . . what else can you call America's
legions of soldiers, spooks, and Special Forces straddling the globe?" Scoffing at the naïve
hope of "liberal international lawyers" that the U.S. Gulliver might be tied down by the thousand
Lilliputian strings of a transnational legal and economic order, Ignatieff points out that the U.S. is
as unsentimental in reality as it is sentimental in its public rhetoric. America "signs on to those
pieces of the transnational legal order that suit its purposes (the WTO, for example) while
ignoring or even sabotaging those parts (the International Criminal Court, the Kyoto Protocol)
that do not."
As we follow
Ignatieff's tour through the protectorates of the new imperium we watch him get more and more
dispirited. There are achievements to celebrate and he does so: the return of a whole people, the
Kosovars, to their homes for one, the opening of the schools in Kabul, and the rise in attendance
from 5 to 35 per cent, for another. But the basic pattern is clear: the nation-building project has
stalled. Yes, the murderous Serbian assault upon Bosnia was ended. But in Bosnia today
"international disillusionment is palpable," "rule of law is next to non-existent," and community
leaders "meet only for photo opportunities," just often enough to keep the aid flowing. Yes, the
ethnic cleansing of the Kosovars by Milosevic was stopped. But today there are "daily shootings,"
"petty feuding among the Kosovar princelings," and "the stubbornly unchanging reality of
Kosovar backwardness." Yes, the al-Qaeda training camps have gone and the Taliban driven out
of Kabul. But "in the vacuum where an Afghan state ought to be, there are warlords like Distum
and Atta" and "children with legs ripped apart by mines push themselves along in the dust on
home-made carts."
Ignatieff sets as
his highest hope for Afghanistan the creation of a "sort of ordered anarchy among loosely
controlled regional fiefs" (92). As the saying goes, he should be careful what he wishes for.
According to Syed Sallem Shahzad of Asia Times (June 13, 2003) "such is the
deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, compounded by the return to the country of a large
number of former Afghan communist refugees, that United States and Pakistani intelligence
officials have met with Taliban leaders in an effort to devise a political solution to prevent the
country from being further ripped apart." But this will only make matters worse. Sarah Chayes,
field director of Afghans for Civil Society, an organization that sponsors democracy initiatives,
writing in the New York Times (July 1, 2003), points out in some desperation
The American alliance with warlords also discourages ordinary Afghans from helping rebuild their country. And without the people, the process is doomed. Afghans I have met and worked with share a fierce desire to live in a normal country. They have demonstrated that desire. In the face of tremendous adversity, they have managed to open schools, clean irrigation ditches, plant trees and dig sewers. But seeing warlords regain power is making people waver. I have found in my work that more and more Afghans are withdrawing to the sidelines, subtracting their life force from the battle to reconstruct Afghanistan [emphasis added].
And so it
Ignatieff is even
aware of the basic reason for these failures: you can't do it from above and outside.
"The problem" he says, "is that those who believe in the use of imperial means do not practice
what they preach. We say we believe in self-determination, and we confiscate all power into our
own hands; we say we respect local cultures and traditions, and yet we are often as contemptuous
behind the locals' backs as the imperialists of old. Finally, we say we are going to stay the course,
when we are always looking for the exit."
from above is now a multibillion-dollar business and "wherever the traveling caravan of nation-
builders settles it creates an instant boomtown, living on foreign money and hope. But
boomtowns inevitably go bust. In Sarajevo, for example, the internationals arrived in 1996 after
Dayton with $6 billion to spend. Now, six years later, the money is all but gone, and the caravan
is moving on to Kabul."
Most important,
the nation-builders suck up all the political oxygen. In Pristina "the ‘internationals' run everything
. . . streets are clogged with the tell-tale white Land Cruisers of the international administrators,
and all the fashionable, hillside villas have been snapped up by the Western aid agencies." In
Kabul, "the reality, as in all nation-building cities, is ferocious competition among donors, United
Nations agencies, and non-governmental organizations for a market share in money and misery."
In these places the "illusion of self-government [is] joined to the reality of imperial tutelage." The
effusive rhetoric of capacity-building is matched only by the "reality of capacity confiscation." In
Afghanistan "the relationship between the locals and the internationals is inherently colonial. The
locals do the translating, cleaning. and driving while the internationals do the grand imperial
internationals are not knights on white chargers: "[their] first priority is building their own
capacity -- increasing their budgets and giving themselves good jobs. The last priority is financing
the Afghan government." The new Afghan Minister of Finance tells Ignatieff that of the 350
projects of the international organizations and NGOs not one promised to consult
with the Afghan interim administration. Though there are exceptions -- the work of building
grass-roots capacity in community forums by the UN urban regeneration program run by
Samantha Reynolds is of interest -- it seems many NGOs have happily taken up what the British
poet of imperialism, Rudyard Kipling, called the "white man's burden," now rebranded as
"humanitarian intervention."
OF COURSE IGNATIEFF HAS TO conclude in true rabbit- from-hat style that imperial power and self-determination can be reconciled. As nothing in his own book supports this hope, he reaches back to the British Empire as proof that "self-determination and imperial rule are not incompatible." But they plainly are. The Indian National Congress had to drive out British imperial rule in order to win self-determination.
Ignatieff thinks
the problem might be "Empire Lite" (trying to do nation-building on the cheap and too quickly).
He really wants what we might call Empire Full Strength. More troops. More engineers. More
money. Empire Full Strength has the task of mopping up where "two botched decolonizations" --
of the Soviets from Eastern Europe and the Europeans from Africa and Asia -- have created "an
ongoing crisis of order in a globalized world." Empire Full Strength is to simultaneously
reorganize and democratize the country it controls and hand over power to the locals
and get out.
I do not find
Ignatieff's intentions ignoble. I do not share the relish some seem to feel when presented with the
failures of nation-building in the new imperium. I do not share the idea (never stated but often
implied) that it would be better to have things the way they were, under Milosevic's Serb
murderers, the anti-woman acid-throwers of the Taliban, or Saddam's gassers and torturers,
greedily pushing ordinary Iraqis into the plastic shredders at Abu Ghraib prison right up to the
arrival of the U.S.-UK forces. Ignatieff is plainly not looking to exploit or oppress but to relieve
enormous human suffering.
But to follow
Ignatieff and cede our political independence to the new imperium would be a tragic error for the
left for two reasons: it will not work, and we can do better.
It will not
work: Ignatieff should take much more seriously his own observation that "Achieving
democratic goals through imperial means is, of course, an exercise in contradiction." This is the
crux of the matter. The self-determination of Iraq is not the goal of Bush and never will be. A
controlled, pliant, semi-sovereign, and semi-democratic Iraq as part of a reordered Middle East
friendly to U.S. elite interests is the goal. We are not witnessing a repeat of the democratization of
occupied Japan after World War Two. In fact, as John Dower, the pre-eminent historian of
twentieth-century Japan and author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Embracing Defeat
has argued, the more instructive comparison is with the short-lived Japanese Empire in Asia of the
1930s and 1940s: "In each instance we confront empire-building embedded in a larger agenda of
right-wing radicalism. And in each we find aggressive and essentially unilateral international
policies wedded to a sweeping transformation of domestic priorities and practices" (The
Nation, July 7, 2003).
Already this
neo-conservative Grand Strategy is unravelling. As Paul Rogers has observed,
the real significance of what is happening in Iraq, and indeed Afghanistan, may relate to the very viability of the pre-emptive strategy of U.S. neo-conservatives. The United States has formulated a military strategy designed to "keep the violent peace" by the use of short sharp bursts of vigorous military force; but its likely result is to embroil U.S. forces in dangerous, complicated, costly regional occupations -- the very opposite of what was intended.
At this moment
over half the U.S. Army's deployable troops are engaged in peacekeeping and stabilization
operations. Little wonder then that Donald Rumsfeld is floating the idea of a new global
peacekeeping force, operating outside the purview of the UN or NATO, led and trained by the
U.S., with a core of U.S. dedicated peacekeeping troops, but composed mainly of international
soldiers (Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2003). The point, of course, is that he could
assemble an army of Jedi Knights but, without democracy and self-determination, they could not
guarantee peace.
We can do
better: Ignatieff could also use a little of what Gramsci called optimism of the will. He is
paralyzed by the fear that if "democratic imperialism" is not the route to democracy and self-
determination then there is no hope and, immediately, no bulwark against the Jihadi
fundamentalists, the ethnic cleansers and the totalitarians. But this is too pessimistic by half. It
overestimates the strength and coherence of the Jihadi fundamentalist threat and it fails to see the
scale and potential power of the gathering forces of the third camp. The rest of this article will
consider these two contenders in turn.
A FORMER LEFTIST LIKE Christopher Hitchens has lost his political bearings because the rise of a fascistic Jihad fundamentalism has filled his political vision, leaving room for nothing else. He is Jihadphobic, if you like. That does not mean he opposes the fundamentalists too much, which would be an impossibility. It means he has allowed the force of his opposition, married to a loss of hope in a third camp alternative, to capsize his judgement about the U.S. (this was a common phenomenon in the Cold War and it devastated the ranks of the third camp).
Hitchens claims
that "The Government and peoples of these United States are at war with the forces of reaction."
Of course it is true that anything less than mortal hostility to the political Islamists is
to disarm politically. Islamic fundamentalism is not identical with but is analogous to fascism. As
the British socialist Clive Bradley has written, political Islamism is a collection of "organized
political forces, the violent enemies of workers, trade unionists, socialists, feminists, women
generally, non-Muslim minorities, oppressed nationalities and so on. It is also a fact, increasingly,
that they express their violent hostility through the mobilization of a mass movement." In
consequence it is "a fantasy" for genuine democrats as well as socialists to think that they are
tactically on the same side as the Islamists against a common enemy.
However, to
imagine ourselves in a short-term war to the death with the Islamists, and so to conclude we must
side with the Pentagon, is equally fantastic. This is the perspective of writers such as Stephen
Schwartz and Paul Berman as well as Christopher Hitchens. Each offers variations on the idea
that we are in a duel to the death with an old enemy now on the march again in new religious
garb: totalitarianism. Each calls, in effect, for a new Schlesingerian "vital center." Each has
valuable insights, but fails to locate the cause of the rise of the Islamists, fails to take a realistic
measure of their capabilities, and fails to map a viable strategy for their defeat, other than cheering
on the Pentagon.
Schwartz (a convert to Sufi Islam) indicts Wahhabism (the branch of Islamic theology favored by
the Saudi royal family and bin Laden) as Islamofascism and indicts the House of Saud, awash with
petro-dollars, as its paymaster and promoter: "The Wahhabi-Saudi regime...embodies a program
for the ruthless conquest of power and a war of extermination."
Paul Berman
argues that political Islam is just the latest ripple produced by the stone of "European
irrationalism" which splashed rudely into the quiet pond of Western liberal culture around the late
nineteenth century. These dreams of transcendence come and go, don't you know. We suffered
Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and now we have Osama bin Laden. We faced them down. We
will have to face bin Laden down. A new "vital center" must once again take up arms (or, at least,
once again cheer on the arms of the Pentagon) against totalitarianism. The book really is -- some
interesting passages about the Islamic theorist Sayyid Qutb aside -- as crass as that. It meets a
widespread late-modern yearning for complex problems to be wrapped up in simplistic
explanations, tied with bows of pseudo-profundity (in this case borrowed from Albert Camus) and
moral certitude. The book is a measure of the disorder of our intellectual culture.
More optimistic
alternatives to these writers are ex-CIA analyst Graham E. Fuller's The Future of Political
Islam and Noel Feldman's After Jihad. But theirs is an ungrounded and
dangerous optimism. The CIA has been looking for the new Ataturk, the strong man who will
create a stable authoritarian Islamic semi-democracy friendly to U.S. interests, for a very long
time. Feldman is in this tradition: he hopes Pakistan could be an Islamic democracy if "its latest
military leader proves better than those who came before." Even the oil monarchies may "surprise
the world" and create democracies. Well, I will not be holding my breath. While Wolfowitz and
the neocons have rejected this kind of thinking (which gave us Saddam in the first place) it
survives over at State and in the op-eds written by Brent Scowcroft. The idea that Colin Powell is
better than Wolfowitz is a mystery to me. He is a throwback to the worst kind of cynical "he may
be a bastard but he is our bastard" school of U.S. imperialism.
WE NEED A MORE SERIOUS, historically grounded approach to the rise of Jihadi fundamentalism and a more compelling political program to combat it. When he was a socialist Max Shachtman argued that if capitalist society continued to decay and if the organized working class failed to lead an alliance of forces to a progressive democratic collectivism then a totalitarian doppelganger, Stalinism, could emerge as a reactionary alternative to impose a "bureaucratic collectivism." While history never repeats itself, we can use the logical structure of Shachtman's analysis -- "if . . . if . . . then" -- to fathom the rise of Jihadic Islamic fundamentalism.
the national, secular, often state-capitalist, modernizing projects of the bourgeoisie and state elites
fail to develop the society and culture, and become stalled in corruption, tyranny and cultural
stagnation, leaving the rulers unable to secure the support of large sections of the middle class;
if global capitalist competition, penetration, and dislocation presses on that middle
class, sending it into panic and rage, disintegrating welfare systems established by the state-
capitalist regimes in the post-war period, ravaging old social relationships but not creating new
ones, threatening the old exploiting classes -- the bazaar merchants, the religious establishment,
sometimes landlords; and if the political leaderships and organizations of the left are
widely discredited for having tailed the nationalist projects of the bourgeoisie (the Egypt's
Communists dissolved into Nasser's front in the 1960s, for instance); and if the
working class is weak and not organized independently, then not only the middle
classes (small manufacturers, shopkeepers, artisans, peasants, market merchants, frustrated
university graduates) but also those classes created by primitive capital accumulation and
pauperization, a cast-off sub-proletariat, a mass of marginalized semi-proletarian poor and
distressed petit-bourgeois (who were, in truth, never really won over to secularism during the
post-war years) are "opened up" for recruitment by the traditional intellectuals of political Islam,
the ulemas.
These forces can
be swept up into a mass movement aimed inchoately at "the West" or "imperialism" or "the
infidels," chasing the entirely reactionary "solution" (actually incapable of implementation) of
using modern military technology and, they hope, state power, to turn back the clock to the pure
Islamic state of the seventh century based on sharia law.
Each of these
pre-conditions for the rise of political Islam can be found, with national peculiarities of course, in
the countries that have suffered its spectacular rise.
The Islamic
fundamentalists appeal to a deep sense of humiliation. Bernard Lewis, in his book What
Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response, is right (whatever his
political failings) to focus attention upon that anguished question which torments the Islamic
world: how did the very fulcrum of civilization become dependent, defeated, backward, corrupt
and poverty-stricken? The fundamentalists say "they did it!" pointing to a cast of villains such as
"infidels," "westernizers," corrupt oil sheiks, Jews and uppity women.
Islamic intellectuals such as Sayyid Qutb, Mawlana Mawdudi, and Ruhollah Khomeni laid the
foundations for the rise of political Islam. When modern secular nationalism stalled amid defeat
and failure in the 1970s and 1980s, and the Stalinist-led workers' movements lost the allegiance of
major social layers, then the Islamists became the repository of the hopes and dreams of millions.
In turn, the Islamists worked tirelessly to redefine those dreams as nihilist fantasies (even now
they are out daubing the walls of the hitherto secular Iraqi universities with slogans about the veil
making women beautiful). The result has been a wave of Islamist political militancy and violence
from Iran to Algeria, Sudan to Afghanistan, Kashmir to Chechnya, and, in the form of al-Qaeda, a
global Jihadic terrorist network.
How does this
mayhem connect up to Shachtman's idea that "capitalism is decaying?" It depends how "decay" is
defined. If Shachtman meant the "decline of the productive forces" then he would have been just
wrong. The global explosion in the productive forces of the post-1945 world, and the surge in life
expectancy and living standards associated with it, speaks for itself. World GDP increased six-fold
from 1950-1998, with an average growth rate of nearly 4 percent a year, according to the OECD.
Real GDP per capita rose by 2.1 percent a year between 1950 and 1998. That compares with less
than 1 percent a year between 1820 and 1950.
In fact
Shachtman defined decay rather differently: "To say that capitalism is decaying is to say that it is
increasingly incapable of coping with the basic problems of society, of maintaining economic and
political order." That is an accurate indictment of the "runaway world" of the 21st century: a
voracious, amoral capitalism eats up the resources of the planet, churns up communities, mocks
social institutions from the family to representative democracy, and turns everything it touches --
and it touches everything -- into a commodity to be bought and sold. This pathology
generates a counter-pathology: an irredentist throwback to a simpler time of order, tradition,
tribe, and blood. Benjamin Barber has called this the dialectic of McWorld and Jihad.
We have tamed
the irrational forces of nature but we remain at the mercy of irrational social and political forces
we have created, from the religion of the market to the market place of religions. Humanity is
kept in a state of suicidal macro-irrationality "increasingly incapable of coping with the basic
The Jihadis offer
no answer to any of this. They are a desperate, anti-modern reaction to the impasse. In power the
Mullahs may ramble on about sex and the Jews but they run the economy like good capitalists.
The youth of Iran take all this in and can't wait to throw the religious shackles from their bodies
and minds. And half the region are aged 25 or under. The Jihadis are not the power Hitchens
imagines them to be. Gilles Kepel, in his book Jihad, argues that in reality Islamic
fundamentalism has been on the decline since the early 1990s: September 11 itself was an
expression of the desperation and isolation of the most militant Jihadis, not their strength. Of
course this decline may be temporary. In any case, if the progressive forces of the third camp are
to push them aside, and reconnect with Muslim workers and diverse progressive elements in
society who experience the fundamentalists as their mortal foe, then we must first define them
correctly as a deadly enemy not a potential ally. And here elements of the left are sometimes
WHEN ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM first emerged, sections of the left defined it as analogous to fascism. The Arab Trotskyist Salah Jaber wrote in 1981 that "Islamic fundamentalism is one of the most dangerous enemies of the revolutionary proletariat." He pointed out that "the fundamentalist movement shares many of the characteristics of fascism outlined by Trotsky: its social base, the nature of its political ideology, its fierce anti- communism and its totalitarianism."
But there were
also differences between classical fascism and fundamentalism. In some respects "the
fundamentalist movement is, in fact, more backward than was fascism." It drives the historical
clock backward to a reactionary utopia with more faith and zeal than the classical fascists. But the
fundamentalists, as part of this "more reactionary" drive backwards, can also
challenge big private capital. This contrasts to the role of classical fascism as the brutish guarantor
of big capital in the face of a mass workers movement. All this means socialists will find
themselves on the same demonstration, protesting the same social ill, from time to time. However,
"any compromises proposed by the fundamentalists as a result of this type of situation pose
enormous dangers for all sections of the left, both moral and physical."
flexibility must be balanced against the overriding political conclusion that it was "absolutely and
under all circumstances necessary to combat its ‘reactionary and medieval influence.'" Even the
so-called "anti-imperialism" of the fundamentalists, Jaber pointed out, does not amount to what
socialists mean by that term. It represents only an inchoate reactionary hostility to "the hated
‘west' . . . all the political and social gains of the bourgeois revolution."
However, once
fundamentalism gained a mass base and, all-importantly, came into conflict with the U.S., then
some parts of the left (forgetting that the possession of a mass base was also typical of classical
fascism, forgetting that totalitarian Russia was also in conflict with the U.S.) allowed their
rhetoric about the U.S. being "the heart of the beast" to merge with the political Islamists' talk of
"the Great Satan." Reactionary Islamic fundamentalism was now redefined as "radical Islam" and
the anti-Semitic zealots of Hamas, for instance, were redefined as bona fide "anti-imperialist"
This redefinition
was part of a wider collapse of independent working class socialist politics. There is very little
positive support for regimes such as Saddam Hussein's Iraq, of course. We are not repeating the
Stalinist experience in that sense. But to register only that is to miss a certain collapse of the
sensibility of parts of the left. Too often leftists halt at a merely negative and inchoate
oppositionism to whatever the U.S. is doing. A complex world is reduced to a face-off between
two camps, "imperialism" versus "the resistance." These leftists define the political Islamists as
part of "the resistance," and, of course, in that act redefine themselves as the critical
supporters of the political Islamists. Clifford Geertz is a little over the top when he says "Marxist
thinkers of every stripe began to credit Islamic activists with socialist virtues," but only a
The price paid in
the West has been the loss of independent political judgement and much idiocy about, for
instance, the "anti-imperialism" of groups like Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Elsewhere the price has
been much higher. In 1977 in Pakistan the left sided with Jamat al-Islami against Bhutto,
imagining a tactical alliance against a common enemy. They were used and then jailed. During the
Iranian Revolution negative oppositionism and inchoate "anti-imperialism" pushed the left into the
arms of Khomeini, the so-called "objective anti-imperialist." They were led to his gallows.
Our job is to
push on past a stalled modernity and a demented reaction. How? By a consistent and principled
fight for democracy.
Interviews with dozens of Iraqis suggest that there is one force that unites them: an almost messianic belief in ‘demokratiya.' (David Rohde, New York Times, June 22, 2003)
WHO WILL LEAD THE FIGHT for consistent democracy? A vibrant
global social movement of movements took the "End of History" discourse and buried it at
Chiapas, Seattle, Prague, Genoa and Porto Alegre. As Daniel Bensaid puts it, we have given
History back its color. And when on February 15 many millions around the globe took part in a
day of protest against the war, even the New York Times had to acknowledge "the
rise of a new global superpower." But how can this movement of movements move history onto
new tracks? How can we advance from symbolic forms of protest to a rounded politics of self-
emancipation? The writer and activist Kim Moody surely hits on the essential point:
By itself, and despite its ability to breach police lines, this ‘movement of movements' lacks the social weight to carry out the very task it has set itself -- the dismantling of the mechanisms of capitalist globalization . . . As scores of activists and analysts alike have stated, the great need is to pull two forces together: the mobility and audacity of the movement in the streets with the social weight and numbers of the organized working class.
But this
program -- the organized working class leading a coalition of civil society movements in a
consistent fight for democracy -- a new "historic bloc" to use Gramsci's phrase -- is not the
common sense of the left. In part this is because there is no question about which the left is as
weighed down by poor theory than the question of the working class. We have lost our nerve in
the face of real working class defeats and surreal academic advice to bid the working class
"farewell" (Andre Gorz) or to view it as having "all but disappeared from view" (Michael Hardt
and Toni Negri). And yet there are 165 million trade unionists in the world. There are more trade
unionists in South Korea today than in the entire world when Marx wrote the Communist
Manifesto. In truth the global working class has been growing explosively.
Perhaps there
are good reasons to look again at the notion of working class politics. That notion
was not always just a quasi-religious talisman to ward off awkward political realities (though it
frequently was). It was also, and can be again, the basis of a rational politics of hope. For it
remains the case that the unique combination of interest, capacity, and social weight possessed by
the global working class can still provide a foundation on which a rational and radical democratic
politics and a viable strategy and tactics could be elaborated.
If we study just
fifteen countries (China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia, Argentina, South Africa,
Thailand, Iran, Philippines, Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh, and Nigeria) we find a seven-fold
increase in the number of industrial workers alone over the past half century: 45
million in 1950, 358 million by 2000. Each has entered into class struggle and forged its own
organizations. Cultural hybridization, for instance in the form of world music, continues apace.
International links, though weak, exist.
The brute fact is
that the best hope for democracy and progress in the world -- for winning, not just
bearing witness to our dissent or living out a personal ethic of refusal -- is the global working
class leading a broad alliance of progressive forces.
It is recent
history not old texts that prompt that conclusion. In Brazil and South Korea the working class
was the central force in the overturn of military rule. In South Africa, it was when the weight of
the working class was added to the heroism of the students, youth, and women's organizations
that apartheid was overthrown. In Thailand workers rallied to thwart the military coup in 1992. In
Indonesia the strike wave of the 1990s prefigured and inspired the movement against Suharto. In
Pakistan the working class has been the only force to oppose both the military and the
fundamentalists. In China the struggles waged for independent unions and the repeated and heroic
strikes against super-exploitation, including revolts against the Chinese Gulag, remains the
greatest hope for the democracy movement.
movements in all these countries have contested the neo-liberal economic model and have fought
for welfare states and democratic rights. Rapid industrialization has been met by militant
unionism. Developments have not been linear. Explosions have been followed by periods of
stagnation. Political participation and representation has been uneven. The Workers Party in
Brazil has not yet been matched by workers' political representation elsewhere. Nonetheless the
underlying trend is clear: the growth in social weight and political assertiveness of the working
class is the greatest global force for democratization and for a "third camp" politics able to oppose
the other two reactionary contenders.
Yet old texts
also have their place. They can help us to see past the immediate conjuncture and gain a longer-
term perspective, for one thing. Max Shachtman set out the reasons why the working class is the
most likely spearhead of democratization and I will now quote him at length. I risk the reader's
irritation perhaps but please bear with me. Allow the possibility that the serious, democratic, eds.
and working-class based sensibility for which Shachtman once stood might be the very sensibility
we need today. Perhaps measured against the waves of theoretical absurdity that have crashed
over the left in the last thirty years his ideas can be a useful starting point for our own
The working class is least able to conform because the accumulating burdens rest primarily upon its shoulders. To protect its economic interests it is compelled to oppose the prevailing trends. To resist effectively it must have and exercise those democratic rights that, valuable to all classes, are absolutely indispensable to the working class. The more it exercises these rights out of the simple necessity of defending its economic position -- the stronger is the tendency of the bourgeois state, out of simple necessity of defending its position, to curtail these rights and even nullify them entirely. Self-preservation generates in the working class a craving for democracy and dictates the fight for it against the bourgeoisie. The socialist movement which is (or should be) nothing but the conscious expression of the fight of the working class, can be restored to a decisive political force if it realizes that, today far more than ever, the all-around and aggressive championing of the struggle for democracy is the only safeguard against the encroaching social decay, and the only road to socialism. We are or must become the most consistent champions of democracy.
Shachtman's ideas retain validity today only if we grasp two new overarching facts about the
condition of the contemporary working class and develop creative political responses to those
THE FIRST FACT IS THAT the international working class is being simultaneously universalized and differentiated under the impact of globalization. In other words, while the experience of wage-labor is pushed into every nook and cranny of the world system (the commodification of the planet) the experience of wage-laboring is highly uneven, and interwoven in complex ways with axes of oppression rooted in the systemic oppressions of "race," gender, and nation.
In short, the
lived experience of workers is highly varied. Production processes spread across the globe and
organize labor into gendered, racialized, and spatial hierarchies. Saskia Sassen, in her study of
The Global City, notes the rise of a new labor aristocracy in the "highly concentrated
command points in the organization of the world economy," in global cities such as London, New
York, Los Angeles, and Tokyo. Simultaneously, in favelas, shantytowns and sweatshops around
the globe other "wage-laborers," often part of the same circuits of capitalist production,
distribution and exchange as the "aristocrats," face capitalism red in tooth and claw recreating the
horrors of 19th century Manchester. As Martin Thomas has put it, "Capital today creates a workforce
simultaneously more universalized (wage labor spreads ever wider); more mobile, versatile, educated, and able to
communicate [yet] more differentiated and variegated."
This is not to
write off the radical potential of the working class in the West by any means. The explosive
militancy of the French working class in recent years, and the astonishing votes for candidates of
the far left, is enough to scotch the idea that the Western working class has been incorporated or
silenced, and enough to remind us that to have climbed out of the worst poverty through
collective struggle and organisation is not necessarily a deradicalizing experience. The point,
rather, is that questions of political mediation across difference -- different experiences not only of
"race," gender, and nation, but also of basic economic situation -- lie at the heart of any viable
global working class politics today.
The second
overarching fact about the contemporary working class is that this global economic restructuring
is taking place amidst the implosion of the two hegemonic 19th and 20th century traditions of
working class politics -- social democracy and Stalinism. Nothing has yet replaced them. For now
the crash of the old political forms has produced -- like the dust clouds thrown up when a decayed
block of flats is dynamited -- a return to pre-1848 utopian socialisms.
To state this
bluntly is not to dismiss these new political forms. They express the stubborn refusal to accept
that the end of history has been reached with the Dow Jones and the WTO. As a scream of revolt
these new movements are, of course, priceless. Disobedience must be ranked a virtue above
almost all others at this time. But the hallmark of all these new utopian socialisms (John
Holloway's "scream of resistance," Tony Negri's politics of "Refusal," even the various appeals to
ethics made by Rawlsian egalitarian liberals, first wave analytical Marxists, the writers at
Dissent, or figures like Richard Rorty) is that they see themselves as post-
proletarian forms of politics. As such they are also post-strategic politics and politics
without a viable social agency.
Of course no
one can say they have the answers to the problems and opportunities thrown up by these two new
facts. And no one can ask for guarantees. But so much of recent history suggests that it is
premature to conclude that we are living through an irreversible secular decline of the working
class as a political force rather than a conjunctural crisis. There are many reasons to be more
optimistic. Things can change. Defeats can be reversed. But the painful processes of economic
restructuring and political atomization do dictate the range of plausible answers that can be
If the working
class is to be reconstituted as a practical force today, it will not be as a simple reflection of raw
experience, as Shachtman perhaps thought, but as the long-term result of complex acts of political
mediation, aggregation, and organization across difference and through popular struggles many of
which will not chime with an orthodox view of what "working class politics" should look
No one can spell
out what these acts will be with exactitude. When it comes to reviving a global working class
politics then, as the Zapatistas say, we will have to talk while walking. But this will not be a stroll
down memory lane but a walk into the future. For what lies prostrate and in a critical condition
today is not the working class per se but a certain form of reformist working class politics which
was based on projecting the common sense of mass labor movements, based on mass
fordist manufacturing processes, into nation-state parliaments (as far as capitalism could
accommodate that common sense).
The slow
process of economic restructuring and de-social democratization has pulled the rug from under
that entire political world. Labor parties have become barely distinguishable from their
conservative and corporate rivals. But this exhaustion of national reformism, while it certainly
produced the torments and defeats of the eighties and nineties, has also opened up exciting new
opportunities. First and foremost, the road to a new labor internationalism from below. Second,
together with the impact of three decades of social movement agitation, and the transformation of
the gender and racial composition of the global working class referred to earlier, the demise of
fordist laborism has opened up a new political space in which labor movements can be reforged as
anti-oppressive movements.
Perhaps labor
movements can only prosper in the twenty-first century as the "all around and aggressive
champion" of every oppressed group. We can be feminist, green as well as red, gay as well as
straight. Pressure from the independent organizations of the oppressed (provided these are not
merely professionalized middle class lobby groups integrated with the status quo) has been and
will remain indispensable to the reforging of the labor movement. A two-way
movement between the labor movement and the struggles of the oppressed, each
submerging itself in the other, each fructifying the other, can create something more than the sum
of its parts, a movement for human emancipation.
And, this not the
least in importance, we have an opportunity to cast off the puritanical inheritance of those dark
satanic mills and embrace a socialism with the sensuality and exuberance of the carnival or the
rave as well as the quiet integrity and solace of the chapel and friendly society.
WHAT CAN THIS PERSPECTIVE mean for Iraq? Where is the third camp in Iraq? It is to render words meaningless to say "self-determination" and "anti- imperialism" are represented by the remnants of the totalitarian Baath Regime-Party and the thugs of the Fedayeen, currently regrouping after their exertions torturing dissidents and murdering prisoners before the war began, now shooting at American and British soldiers and setting buildings ablaze, even as the mass graves of the ordinary Iraqis they murdered are being uncovered.
A stand alone
"anti-imperialism" is not even close to being an adequate basis for contemporary left-wing
responses to the occupation of Iraq. Without a positive, democratic, and anti-capitalist program
mere "anti-imperialism" can be a demagogic, even reactionary discourse. For instance while
democracy in Iraq depends on local politicians, freely elected, taking over the running of Iraq
from the occupation forces, and this means that the troops must leave, this does not mean that the
main job of the left is to unthinkingly rally behind every political force shouting "Troops Out
For us to
recognize that the return of Saddam would not be a progressive alternative nor represent the
"self-determination" of the Iraqi people, but merely the return of a minority totalitarian tyranny
over the Iraqi people, is not to support the occupation. But it is to escape the politically disastrous
framework of "imperialism" versus "the resistance." It is to see that the job of third camp
socialists is not passive propaganda but urgent political action and positive opposition to both the
occupation forces and the Baathists by building up the progressive forces of the third camp, the
emergent labor movement and civil society, the bearers of a progressive alternative to the Baath
and to Bremer. It is to understand that what distinguishes the third camp socialist on Iraq is the
progressive democratic movement we are trying to build, and the objective of international
socialism, not that we are the most militant "anti-Americans."
MOREOVER, THIS IS THE genuinely "anti-imperialist" perspective. It is important to grasp that the American ruling class is attempting to create a certain kind of "civil society" over the ruins of the old regime. That is to say, it is striving to engender a native capitalist ruling class and install it over Iraqi society. How? By means of dismantling rather than democratizing the statist Baath economy, and contracting out the restructuring and rebuilding of Iraq to American capitalism -- Halliburton, MCI, Brown and Root, etc. Iraqi capitalism will be fostered as fully integrated subcontractors of American imperialism from the outset. In short, America is in the process of vassalizing Iraq.
Iraqi labor struggles, strikes, and demonstrations will, from the outset, carry an implicitly dual
character: challenging both western capitalism and national oppression. Such labor action is
therefore immediately political. As in most societies struggling for independence, we will see two
emerging patterns of struggle: the more nationalistically-oriented one, subordinating all social
struggles to the struggle for national liberation, and the more revolutionary trend that realizes that
national problems cannot be solved without social revolution.
In the specific
circumstances of Iraq, it will be increasingly impossible to impose a purely nationalist solution to
the problem because Iraqi capitalism will be unable to disentangle itself from the U.S. economic
structure. Nationalism per se will increasingly become the provenance of reactionary Islamist
forces that will make their appeal to the Arab world on that basis, folding Iraqi nationalism into a
sectarian religious mold. The only counterbalance to this is an Iraqi working class in motion. Their
resistance can be expected to begin the erosion of all existing authority in the Arab world, which
has neither momentum nor popular support, thereby placing themselves in direct confrontation
with the only other dynamic force in the region -- Islam -- in the struggle against U.S.
The struggle for
a consistently independent and democratic Iraq is therefore crucially dependent on the revival and
mobilization of the Iraqi working class, which in turn is critically dependent on the political and
material support of democratic Iraqi forces here in the West. That, and not mere piety to a
Marxist orthodoxy, is the reason why we must turn our face to the Iraqi working class.
These forces are
just beginning to breathe. Today, in Baghdad, socialists have opened offices and can distribute
literature, independent trade unions are being discussed, and the forces of democratic civil society
are beginning to stir. Disobedient theatre productions are being staged. Against the Baathists, the
Islamists, and the occupation forces the first line of defence is to build up this network of
grassroots power in unions, and in civil rights, students', and women's organizations. These offer
a social base and an alternative moral system, a different conception and practice of solidarity, and
an image of democracy in action. Around this trelliswork our weak forces can thread their
growing tentacles. Socialists should put aside insurrectionary fantasies and dig in for the slow
organic work of building this base.
Our forces can
be found at the Basra refinery, the second largest in Iraq, striking against the Baathist
management foisted on them by the UK occupying force. Though the action was limited, one
could glimpse a political actor and a new politics emerging from the Baathist darkness and
blinking into the light. Workers at the state-owned Iraqi Airways are battling the U.S. occupiers
over both wage rates and the removal of the airline's general manager, a cousin of Saddam
Hussein and a Baath party official.
Our forces can
also be found among the women who are organizing for equality and for life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. And among those forces calling for a secular Iraq, a constituent assembly,
and a rapid transition to democracy.
Our forces can
be found among the unemployed workers who took over a building that used to belong to the
Baathist run unions and set up a Union of the Unemployed in Iraq (UUI). (When the Baathists
returned to demand the return of the building they were arrested by U.S. troops.) It is impossible
to know how accurate these figures are, but as of late June the UUI was claiming 15,000
members with centers in Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Nasiriya and had appealed to "all labor unions and
organizations throughout the world" for support as it demanded "Jobs or Unemployment
Insurance" of the occupying forces (see the UUI statement below).
And there is a
history of working class struggle throughout the Muslim world. There were mass workers' strikes
in Egypt before the coup of 1952 (repressed by the coup leaders), and again in 1977 forcing Sadat
to change economic policy. There was intense working class militancy in Iraq after the 1958
revolution (repressed by the Baathists after 1968). The militant trade unionism in the Sudan (to
which the military coup of 1989 was a reaction) and the still powerful workers' movements of
Algeria and Tunisia are capable of self-assertion. The Iranian working class, which built the shoras
or workers' councils in 1979, waits in the wings as the students battle the regime on the streets.
And in Indonesia the workers were a vital factor in the fall of Suharto.
IT IS THE URGENT TASK OF THE left to solidarize with the Iraqi working class and democratic civil society. Raise money for its fledging organizations. Send delegations. Twin union branches and feminist organizations. Seize every opening.
On May Day,
Denis MacShane, the British Foreign Office Minister, issued a press release requesting that the
International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions (ICFTU), the umbrella body for most global unions, become involved in the creation of
democratic trade unions in Iraq. The MacShane May Day Statement looked to the free trade
unions to aid the establishment of secular and representative trade unions in Iraq. While no trust
should be placed in the ICFTU (which has said it wants the World Bank, the IMF, and the
OECDs Trade Union Advisory Committee to be involved) and while there remains a danger of
business-friendly unions being established with few democratic structures, there are real
possibilities to create genuine international union-to-union links "from below."
Two British
Labour MPs -- Harry Barnes and Peter Lloyd, and trade union leader Kevin Curran -- issued an
appeal for a workers' campaign in solidarity with the fledgling trade unions in Iraq. The MPs
pointed out that:
Iraq's labor movement was once a vibrant part of society. In 1959, one million people joined the May Day march in Baghdad. The population of Iraq was then 14 million and this illustrates the tremendous social weight of its working class. But Saddam demonized independent trade unions and hundreds of union leaders were imprisoned, tortured and executed.
In Iraq today,
the independent trade union movement is seeking to re-establish itself. It supports a unified,
federal and democratic Iraq that transcends religious, ethnic, and nationalist divisions and also
guarantees political and trade union rights. It backs the transfer of power from the occupying
forces to an interim and broadly based coalition government that could remove the remnants of
Saddam's dictatorship and prepare a permanent constitution. This would provide the basis for free
and fair elections under UN supervision. The International Labour Organisation and the
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions [should] become involved in the creation of
democratic trade unions in Iraq.
By late June a
labor-based international solidarity movement, organized in the United States by U.S. Labor
Against the War (USLAW) had emerged. USLAW has produced a report, The Corporate
Invasion of Iraq: Profiles of U.S. Corporations Awarded Contracts in U.S./British Occupied
Iraq which provides much needed information to Iraqi workers about the U.S. companies
that are their new employers. (Copies can be downloaded free at or ordered for $5
from USLAW, P.O. Box 153, 1718 M St NW, Washington, DC 20036.)
The report was
discussed by the labor representatives of the Workers' Group of the ILO in Geneva, June 14-15.
That meeting established the Campaign for Labor Rights in Iraq (see statements below). The Appeal Statement can certainly be faulted. It pledges its
signatories to oppose "the destruction of labor and democratic rights in Iraq" but of course none
existed under Saddam! So called trade unions were state-run fronts for Saddam's
There is also a
worrying one-sidedness about the idea that the post-war chaos in Iraq has been "promoted
deliberately by the occupation forces." The Appeal fails to mention the role of the Baathist death
squads and arsonists who seek a return of Saddam. And, unlike the British Labour MPs who are
clear that trade unions were viciously repressed in Saddam's totalitarian Iraq the Appeal makes
the false claim that "Iraq has a long tradition of trade unionism and workers rights codified in
legislation." There are a variety of forces involved in the Campaign and the Appeal may represent
a compromise. Practical solidarity is the overriding priority. Nonetheless, the failure to clearly
define the old regime is not at all a good sign.
More positively,
USLAW argues for a new labor internationalism. Amy Newell, USLAW national organizer, says
their report "aims to establish an international labor network of unions interested in organizing
these companies on a global scale." Gene Bruskin, the co-convenor of USLAW, sees the
privatization of Iraq as an opportunity to further the new labor internationalism: "U.S. and Iraqi
workers now have a direct link because our companies are over there . . . there is a potential to
connect and build real solidarity in a way that people haven't done before." Newell sees a clear
link between this union solidarity work and progressive resistance to the occupation of Iraq. In a
splendid, though of course not deliberate, reprise of Shachtman's argument about consistent
democracy she argues,
Clearly you cannot have trade union rights without basic democratic rights. The appeal issued by the trade unionists in Geneva for this labor rights campaign explicitly condemns the illegal occupation of Iraq. A Statement issued by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) makes the point that democracy has to have roots in the people, and the best way to do that is to have a strong and independent trade unions; they are the anchor of democracy.
There is a critical role that we as trade unionists can play in bringing true democracy to Iraq. Unable to produce the weapons of mass destruction that the Bush administration used to justify its invasion of Iraq, ‘democracy for the people of Iraq' has now become the administration's strongest rationale for the war. As trade unionists, we know that central to any democracy must be fundamental trade union rights -- the freedom to assemble, to organize, to bargain collectively and to strike if necessary, to protect and improve workers' standard of living.
Shachtman's call
for the labor movement to become the "all-around and aggressive champion of democracy" is also
echoed in Newell's view that "U.S. labor must be part of the broader international labor
movement against war -- for peace and social justice."
ADVOCATES OF THE THIRD CAMP will urgently but patiently build this kind of long-term practical solidarity with the organized Iraqi working class and with pro-democratic Iraqi civil society as the rational basis of peace, democracy, and progress. Out of that soil a new socialism could emerge. The third camp will not mistake the remnants of the old regime as "objectively anti-imperialist" as they seek to re-impose the old Baath dictatorship, nor imagine its role is to cheer on clerical reactionaries as a "national liberation movement."
In the triangular
struggle it is our task to plant a firm fixed point between the military Visigoths and the fascistic
theocrats. We seek to make that third camp conscious of itself, of its relation to the reactionary
contenders, and of its potential to turn the whole world upside down. And then truly we who have
been nought shall be all and the world shall rise on new foundations. Let others take care of their
own. Let us stand up and say what we believe in and fight for our forces.
We have a world to gain.
We have reproduced four statements from the emerging labor solidarity movement. The first, written by Alan Benjamin of the San Francisco Labor Council, traces how the Appeal for a Campaign for Labor Rights in Iraq emerged, and the crucial role played by U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW). The second is the Appeal itself, issued in Geneva on June 15, 2003, together with a list of its initial signatories. The third is a statement from the Labor Group of the ILO. The fourth is an appeal from the newly formed Union of Iraqi Unemployed (UUI) about which little information is available at this point.
Presentation: Campaign for Labor Rights in Iraq Launched in Geneva on June 14-15, 2003Dear Sisters and Brothers:
I had the
privilege of travelling with Amy Newell, national organizer of U.S. Labor Against War, to the
International Conference in Defense of ILO Conventions and Trade Union Independence held in
Geneva, Switzerland, over the weekend of June 14-15, 2003. I represented the San Francisco
Labor Council (AFL-CIO) at this gathering, which was attended by 130 labor officials from 30
International Conference was held for the 10th consecutive year at the initiative of the
International Liaison Committee of Workers and Peoples (ILC). As every other year, it was
scheduled to coincide with the annual yearly session of the UN-affiliated International Labor
Organization (ILO). A large number of the participants at the ILC's conference were official
delegates to the ILO's 91st Yearly Session.
Sister Newell
and I travelled to Geneva with the purpose of joining forces with broad sectors of the
international labor movement to launch a Campaign for Labor Rights in Iraq. The proposal to
organize such a campaign originated with Iraqi and Arab trade unionists and was relayed to
USLAW and to the international labor movement by International Liaison Committee
Coordinator Daniel Gluckstein. Last May 15, in fact, Brother Gluckstein travelled to Washington,
D.C. to meet and discuss this initiative with the two national conveners of USLAW, Bob
Muehlenkamp and Gene Bruskin.
conveners and coordinators endorsed this campaign and agreed to send their national organizer,
Amy Newell, to the ILC's June 15th conference in Geneva. They also agreed to produce a
document, or White Paper, profiling 18 U.S. multinational corporations that have been awarded
contracts to "rebuild" -- i.e., privatize -- Iraq. This 34-page document, produced with the
collaboration of the Washington, DC Labor Committee for Peace and Justice, was ready just in
time for the ILC Conference and the ILO's 91st Yearly Session. Thanks to the help of the ILC,
more than 600 copies of the USLAW "Profiles" document were printed and distributed in
Geneva, both to the ILC conference participants and to the 410 labor delegates comprising the
Workers' Group of the ILO.
In order that a
more complete discussion among the key players in this Campaign for Labor Rights could take
place prior to the ILC Conference on June 15th, ILC coordinator Daniel Gluckstein, Algerian
Member of Parliament Louisa Hanoune, and renowned Iranian antiwar activist Subhi Toma
invited Amy Newell of USLAW, the representative of the San Francisco Labor Council, leaders
of the major Arab trade union federations, and representatives of the ILC to participate in a
planning meeting the evening of Saturday, June 14th. The meeting, hosted by Geneva Socialist
Party leader Alexandre Anor, was held at the office of the Geneva Socialist Party.
One of the mail
goals of the meeting was to adopt a written Appeal for the Campaign and to designate speakers to
introduce this campaign to the following day's ILC Conference.
The planning
meeting was opened with four major reports. The first report, by Daniel Gluckstein, explained the
origins and importance of this campaign. The second report, by Iraqi activist Subhi Toma, focused
on the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need for the Iraqi workers to have genuinely
independent trade unions and full labor rights to defend their most basic interests. [Brother Toma
presented a written report to the meeting on his recent trip to Iraq, which we will send out in a
separate posting, together with excerpts from his oral presentation to the June 14th planning
The third report
was presented by Amy Newell, who described the origins, goals and achievements of USLAW
and then summarized the White Paper profiling the 18 U.S. multinational corporations awarded
contracts in Iraq. Sister Newell explained that this report was not simply aimed at helping the
workers of Iraq; it was also a tool to promote union organizing drives of these corporations in the
United States and around the world.
The final report
was presented by Hacene Djeman, General Secretary of the 35-million-member International
Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (CISA). Brother Hacene expressed his federation's full
support for this campaign and informed the gathering that a few days earlier, he and other official
representatives to the ILO's 91st yearly session presented a statement to the 410 members of the
ILO's Workers' Group urging the ILO to launch a campaign for labor rights in Iraq and to send a
fact-finding mission to Iraq -- a mission that would be open to the participation of all national and
regional trade union organizations.
This Statement
On Iraq was adopted by the ILO Workers' Group and was then submitted to the ILO yearly
session [see statement below]. Not surprisingly, Brother Hacene explained,
the representatives of the ILO's Governmental and Employer Groups did not endorse this
resolution. Brother Hacene expressed his view that despite the ILO's refusal to embrace this
delegation, the ILO Workers' Group would collaborate with the ILC, USLAW and others in
promoting this campaign and this fact-finding trip to Iraq later this fall.
Following the
reports, the other participants in the meeting presented statements in support of the campaign and
recounting the effects of the war on Iraq in their own countries. Speakers included the central
leaders of the United Trade Union Federation of the Arab Maghreb (USTMA), General Union of
Algerian Workers (UGTA), Committee of Working Women of Lebanon, Lebanon Workers
General Confederation (CGTL), Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation (SWTUF), General
Union of Tunisian Workers (UGTT), and Tunisian Committee in Switzerland. A central point
made by all was the historic importance of USLAW for the international labor movement.
In the course of
the discussion, Brother Ibrahim A. Gandour, General Secretary of the Sudan Workers Trade
Unions Federation (SWTUF), said that his federation would translate into Arabic -- no later than
June 28th -- the USLAW "Profiles" document. [The following day, trade unionists from Japan,
Brazil, Spain and France said their unions or federations would translate this document into their
respective languages.]
After the
discussion on the reports, the participants in the June 14th planning meeting read a Draft Appeal
for the campaign prepared by Subhi Toma, Louisa Hanoune and Daniel Gluckstein. A lengthy
discussion followed, with numerous amendments proposed to the Draft. By the end of the
evening, the participants had agreed to the text of the Appeal for the Campaign for Labor Rights
in Iraq [see appeal below]. They also agreed to constitute themselves as an
Organizing Committee of an International Labor Delegation to Iraq -- a delegation scheduled to
take place before the middle of October 2003.
The meeting
ended with the designation of Amy Newell, Subhi Toma and Hacene Djeman as the three
reporters on this campaign to the June 15th ILC Conference in Defense of ILO Conventions and
Trade Union Independence.
On June 15th,
following the presentations and the discussion, trade unionists from around the world added their
endorsements to the Appeal for the Campaign for Labor Rights in Iraq. [See first list of endorsers below.]
As a
representative of the OWC Continuations Committee and San Francisco Labor Council, I was
honored to have been able to participate in this June 14th planning meeting and in the June 15th
Sister Newell's
participation in these gatherings was made possible by a fund drive launched by the OWC
Continuations Committee and S.F. Labor Council Secretary-Treasurer Walter Johnson. To date,
our campaign has gathered $482 -- which is way short of the $1,200 needed to cover Sister
Newell's travel and lodging expenses. In addition, we in the OWC Continuations Committee want
to contribute at least $3,000 to the overall campaign.
This is why we
continue to appeal to you for your financial support. To those of you who have already sent
donations, we want to express our deepest appreciation. To those of you who still have not sent
in a donation, please don't delay -- we need your support urgently. Contact us at
Thanks, as
always, for your interest in this important effort to promote labor rights, peace and social
In solidarity,
lan Benjamin,
OWC Co-coordinator,
S.F. Labor Council representative
to the June 15th Geneva Conference
2. Appeal For International Campaign for Labor Rights in Iraq
Barely two months have passed since the end of the war, and already the facts are there for all to see: The war waged against the people and nation of Iraq had nothing to do with democracy, the liberation of the Iraqi people, or so-called weapons of mass destruction. All these were just a pretext.
It is now clear
that it was a war for oil, a war of domination of the region and the world, a war that threatens all
countries and peoples. That is why we the undersigned who opposed the war say: "No to the
Occupation of Iraq!" There can be no democracy if the Iraqi people do not have the right to freely
determine their fate and establish their sovereignty over the resources and future of their
We issue this
appeal to the international labor movement to organize in every country an International
Campaign For Labor Rights in Iraq. As trade unionists and union officials of various origins
and countries, we mobilized -- together with millions of working people and their organizations
the world over -- to say: "No to the War in Iraq!"
Together, we
pledged that whatever the circumstances we would pursue the fight against the war, occupation,
and destruction of labor and democratic rights in Iraq, and against the dislocation of the Iraqi
nation -- and beyond that, of all nations.
On June 15,
2003, in Geneva, we came together at the initiative of the International Liaison Committee of
Workers and Peoples (ILC). We heard a report on the situation of the workers and people of Iraq
now under occupation: Baghdad and the entire country are facing a situation of total disarray.
Unemployment is rampant as widespread vandalism, chaos and terror -- promoted deliberately by
the occupation authorities -- have prevented the resumption of all activities. Wages have not been
paid. The privatization of public enterprises is under way.
The armies of
the United States and Great Britain, armies of occupation, protect the interests of the U.S.
multinational corporations, which are poised to super-exploit the Iraqi people without hindrance
and to plunder the resources and wealth of the Iraqi nation.
We also heard a
report from a representative of U.S. Labor Against War, a coalition that regroups trade unions
representing several million trade unionists in the United States. USLAW organized this past
February 19th an international press conference to present an International Declaration of Global
Labor Against the War in Iraq. This declaration was supported by trade unions and federations
representing 130 million unionists in 53 countries, all of whom came together on a world scale to
speak out with one voice against the war.
prepared a White Paper on the U.S. multinational corporations that have been awarded contracts
in Iraq. This document presents in great detail the systematic denial and violation of labor rights,
as well as the corruption and financial scandals that characterize the large bulk of these
corporations. This report is being translated into Arabic, and will be brought to the attention of
the Iraqi workers, who need to know the record of these corporations.
We also heard
reports from the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (CISA), the United Trade
Union Federation of the Arab Maghreb (USTMA), the General Union of Tunisian Workers
(UGTT), the General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA), the Sudan Workers Trade Unions
Federation (SWTUF), and the Committee of Working Women of Lebanon. They explained the
dire consequences of the war and U.S. occupation in their own countries. The privatization drive
implemented in the Arab countries these past years, for example, has already led to an increase in
unemployment from 12 million to 19 million workers.
Once again, in
this most difficult situation confronting workers and peoples everywhere, it is more than ever the
task of the labor movement to unite and take action on a world scale to fight for labor rights,
peace, and democracy.
Those who
launched the war against the Iraqi people speak about democracy, but democracy requires that the
workers be able to organize themselves freely. Democracy presupposes the existence of
independent trade union organizations.
The workers of
Iraq urgently need trade unions to fight for their interests. They must be able to organize
themselves freely to build unions of their own choice. These basic labor rights, these anchors of
democracy, have been codified in International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions 87 and
ILO Convention 87 concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize stipulates:
Each Member of the International Labor Organization for which this Convention is in force undertakes to give effect to the following provisions." (Article 1) "Workers and employers, without distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to establish and, subject only to the rules of the organization concerned, to join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization. (Article 2) Workers' and employers' organizations shall have the right to draw up their constitutions and rules, to elect their representatives in full freedom, to organize their administration and activities and to formulate their programs. The public authorities shall refrain from any interference which would restrict this right or impede the lawful exercise thereof."(Article 10)
ILO Convention 98 concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively stipulates:
Workers shall enjoy adequate protection against acts of anti-union discrimination in respect of their employment. (Article 1) Workers' and employers' organizations shall enjoy adequate protection against any acts of interference by each other or each other's agents or members in their establishment, functioning or administration.(Article 2)
This last
Convention was ratified by the Iraqi government on November 27, 1962.
Conventions 87 and 98 -- just as the other ILO Conventions -- must be ratified, translated into
law and implemented for all Iraqi workers over the entire territory of Iraq. We affirm that no one
can speak about democracy so long as these rights are not the law of the land.
Iraq has a long
tradition of trade unionism and workers' rights codified in legislation. From 1919 to the beginning
of the 1980s, Iraq ratified 66 ILO Conventions*. Will these be respected and implemented
Together, we
have mobilized against the war. We are convinced that the international organization and
mobilization against the war, particularly within the international trade union movement, points
the way forward for the labor movement as a whole.
Together, on
June 15, in Geneva, we hereby commit ourselves to organize this international mobilization and
we state:
We believe it is
necessary to unite our efforts with the goal of constituting an International Labor Delegation that
will travel to Iraq on a fact-finding trip to evaluate the situation of the working class, labor rights
and status of the trade union organizations. We have already learned that the first labor strikes and
walk-outs have taken place. At the same time, the repression against trade union leaders has been
unleashed, with a number of unionists now facing death threats.
Through this
campaign, we seek to mobilize the support of the international labor movement for the workers of
Iraq so that they can build the trade unions of their choice.
This initiative is
not in competition with any other. We have learned that similar concerns to ours have already
been expressed by various international organizations such as the International Labor Bureau of
the ILO, the Workers' Group of the ILO, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
(ICFTU), and Education International (EI), among others. Our initiative simply seeks to bring
together the broadest forces in the framework of an international campaign for the defense of the
ILO Conventions and for social justice, peace and democracy.
We issue this
appeal to labor organizations throughout the world and call upon them to support this campaign
so that together we can organize this fact-finding delegation to Iraq later this fall.
We, the
undersigned, constitute ourselves as an Organizing Committee of this International Delegation.
Our campaign is independent from all international institutions. It will seek support among
workers and their trade union organizations the world over.
AMY NEWELL, National Organizer, U.S. Labor Against War (USLAW); ALAN BENJAMIN, Representative, San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO (United States)
HACENE DJEMAN, General Secretary, International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (CISA); FAROUK SOURIG, International Director, International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (Syria); ABDELMAJID SAHRAOUI, United Trade Union Federation of the Arab Maghreb (USTMA); AMAR TAKDJOUT, General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA); LOUISA HANOUNE, Spokesperson, Workers Party of Algeria; SUBHI TOMA, Iraqi antiwar activist; KHADYE EL HUSAINI, Committee of Working Women of Lebanon; ABDEL AMIR NADJA, Lebanon Workers General Confederation (CGTL); IBRAHIM A. GANDOUR, Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation (SWTUF); MOHAMED TRABELSI, General Union of Tunisian Workers (UGTT); MOHAMED BEN HENDA, Tunisian Committee in Switzerland
DANIEL GLUCKSTEIN, Coordinator, International Liaison Committee of Workers and Peoples; OLIVIER DORIANE, Workers Party (France); MARIE-CLAUDE SCHIDLOWER, ILC Working Women Commission; JEAN- PIERRE BARROIS, Antiwar activist (France); LUC DELEY, Hosting Committee, International Conference in Defense of ILO Conventions (Switzerland); ALEXANDRE ANOR, Socialist Party member (Switzerland).
(Appeal Issued in Geneva,
Switzerland on June 15, 2003)
BELGIUM: Roberto Giarrocco, General Federation of Belgian Workers (FGTB).
BENIN: Marie-Antoinette Toudonou, President, Women's Committee of the Confederation of Workers of Benin (CSTB).
BRAZIL: Julio Turra, National Executive Board member, Unified Workers Federation of Brazil (CUT).
CHAD: Djibrine Assale Hamdallah, General Secretary, Confederation of Trade Unions of Chad (UST); Gami N'Garmadjal, General Secretary, National Union of Education Workers of Chad (SET).
COTE-D'IVOIRE/IVORY COAST: François Yao, General Secretary, National Union of Energy Workers (SYNASEG); Céline Yassine, Deputy International Relations Secretary, National Union of Energy Workers (SYNASEG).
FRANCE: Jacques Paris, national education sector trade unionists; Pascal Grasso, trade unionist; Xavier Boiston, oil & chemical sector trade unionists; Eliane Juquel, trade unionist; François Le Pivert, trade unionist; Véronique Pépers, chemical sector trade unionist; Clarisse Delalondre, EDF energy sector trade unionist; Denis Langlet, metalworkers' sector trade unionist; Christian Savidan, community sector trade unionist; Jean Markun, trade unionist; Michèle Coullet, national education sector trade unionist; Jean-Charles Marquiset, trade unionist; Patrice Sifflet, trade unionist, Manifesto for Trade Union Independence; Jacques Girod, trade unionist; Marie Bordes, national education sector trade unionist; Daniel Chalier, healthcare sector trade unionist; Pascal Samouth, trade unionist; Christiane Buf, trade unionist; Michèle Simonnin, public sector trade unionist.
GABON: Maixent-Hubert Ndong Odzame, President, Confederation of Trade Unions of Gabon (CO.SY.GA); Camille Mombo-Mouelet, General Secretary, Federation of Mines and Energy Workers (FLEEMA).
GERMANY: Frey Henning, Ver.di; Karlheinz Gerhold, SPD, Ver.di; Klaus Schüller, SPD, DGB Thuringe.
GREAT BRITAIN: Colette Bradford Calderdale Trades Council, Warren Ellison Calderdale Trades Council
GUADELOUPE: Jocelyn Lapitre, MPTPG.
INDIA: H. Mahadevan, General Secretary, All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC); Sharad Rao, General Secretary, MAZDOOR trade union federation.
JAPAN: Osamu Yomono, Vice President, National Rail Workers Union of Japan (JRU); Mari Takenouchi, JRU.
MEXICO: Raul Dominguez Alcala, General Secretary, Transportation Workers Union of Oaxaca (SUTCAO).
SPAIN: José Miguel Villa, General Secretary, FES, General Union of Workers of Madrid (UGT); Conrado Soria Garcia, UGT of Barcelona.
SWITZERLAND: Alain Charbonnier, Member of Parliament , Socialist Party; Françoise Schenk-Gottret, Member of Parliament, Socialist Party; Claude and Pierrette Iseli, Union of Circles for Workers' Policies (UCPO); Michel Gindrat, UCPO; Adriano Crameri, General Secretary, SIB; Myriam Lonfat, Former Member of Parliament, SSP-VPOD; Max Robert, Public sector trade unionist (SSP); Simone Girodo, Public sector trade unionist (SSP); Rania Madi.
TOGO: Tétévi Norbert Gbikpi-Bénissan, General Secretary, Federation of Independent Unions of Togo (UNSIT); Claude Ameganvi, Organizational Secretary, Workers Party of Togo.
TUNISIA: Halim Chaabane, Spokesperson, Iraq-Palestine Trade Union Solidarity Committee.
UNITED STATES: Paul Germanotta, European Support Commitee, Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC, AFL-CIO); Claude Piller, Education sector trade unionist; Dan Kaplan, Delegate to June 15th Conference, California Federation of Teachers (CFT).
3. ILO Workers' Group Statement on Iraq
In a statement in March 2003, the Workers' Group of the Governing Body of the ILO deplored the onset of the War on Iraq. It then called for a speedy end to the hostilities and urged that an urgent rehabilitation program should follow in which the ILO should play a major role.
The Workers'
Group of this 91st International Labor Conference endorses that earlier statement. The group now
calls for a speedy end to the occupation of Iraq and for every assistance to be given to ensure the
establishment of a transitory national government under the auspices of the United Nations, free
from military or any other autocratic control.
The Workers'
Group requests the ILO urgently to send a needs assessment mission to Iraq to determine what
forms of technical support and assistance the ILO can properly provide in the rehabilitation and
reconstruction program. This Mission should allow for the inclusion of cooperating International
and regional trade union organizations.
The Workers'
Group believes that in the rehabilitation exercise support must be provided for all the people of
Iraq, especially the poor, the disabled and vulnerable groups. The Group calls for the immediate
resumption of work for all Iraqi workers, with due protection for their wages. It also demands
that the oil resources of Iraq be used solely by the people of Iraq and exclusively for their
In the new Iraq
there must be, consistent with ILO standards, full freedom of Association guaranteeing the Iraqi
workers the right to organize and to bargain collectively; there must be true democracy with full
civil liberties, permitting trade unions to choose their own leadership independently and without
interference; there must be the right to self-determination by the Iraqi people.
4. Official Letter from the Union of the Unemployed in Iraq -- UUI
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
To: All labor unions and organizations around the world
In the aftermath
of the U.S devastating war on Iraq and on the following May Day, we, a group of activists in the
labor movement, have founded the Union of the Unemployed in Iraq-UUI. Our decision to form
this union was an essential response to the extraordinary circumstances in which Iraq has gone
Thirteen years
of economic sanctions as well as the dominance of the Ba'ath regime have had its greatest impact
on imposing the minimum standards of living, the most inhuman working conditions, and a large-
scale unemployment on the masses of workers.
The Anglo-
American war, which ended with the occupation of Iraq, has pushed further up the unemployment
rates to dreadful levels. Most of the industrial and service facilities and institutions were rendered
out of service and thousands of factories and smaller workshops have closed their doors either
due to lack of water and electricity, or due to lack of security. Rumors are widely being spread
around that the U.S is thinking of privatizing the public sector. This clearly means an increase in
unemployment among workers. Millions of workers are out of work with absolutely no means of
earning a living, threatened with hunger while the food ration, distributed by the previous regime
is rapidly running out.
We have formed
our union to bring all unemployed workers together and to push forward their basic demands. The
Union of the Unemployed in Iraq has currently around 15,000 members across the country, with
centers in 3 major cities in Baghdad, Kirkuk and Nasiriya. Since founding our union we have
organized weekly demonstrations to draw the attentions of the occupying forces to our status and
conditions, but there has been no response to our demands so far. Our demands could be
summarized: either Jobs or Unemployment Insurance. We also demand: emergency allowances to
all unemployed and full payments to all those who lost their jobs because of war.
Since May 24th,
2003, we have been in continuous negotiations with the U.S Civil Administration, in vain. They
are clearly postponing and maneuvering.
Dear Friends,
Our union has
decided to organize a big demonstration across Iraq on Thursday, July 3rd, 2003. We, therefore,
entreat you to support us in our demands. You could express your solidarity with us either
through organizing protesting rallies or demonstrations or holding big protesting gatherings on
the day of our demonstration, in front of those authorities that are responsible for our current
situation i.e. the British and the American authorities. You could also send us letters of solidarity
to our union and letters of protest to the U.S. and British consulates and embassies in your
countries. We call on the workers of the U.S. and Britain in particular to raise their voices against
their governments which deny us our simplest demands.
Your solidarity
with us will certainly reinforce the impact of our protests to compel the occupation forces in Iraq
to submit to our demands.
In Solidarity,
Issam Shukri,
International Relations Coordinator
Union of the Unemployed in Iraq -- UUI
Bab Al-Sharki, Al Rasheed St.,
Old Labor Union Bldg. Baghdad, Iraq